Sunday, December 10, 2017

Winter Playlist

It's about that time of year. Your wrapping presents, shoveling your driveway, preparing for the holidays, and ITS FUCKING COLD. winter can be miserable, so here's some jams to make the worries go away. Trying my best not to go overboard with black metal.

Abigail Williams - Becoming + Legend
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal (Becoming), Symphonic Black Metal (Legend)
FFO: Cradle of Filth, Wolves in the Throne Room
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Starting off with two different sides of Abigail Williams. Legend was the first release by the band and features a symphonic sound while Becoming is more progressive and atmospheric but still keeps a slight symphonic background. Personally I enjoy Becoming more but Legend has a nostalgic hold for me. Both albums are great whether you see snow or not which can be a rare thing for black metal sometimes.

Botch - We Are the Romans
Genre: Mathcore FFO: Converge, Cave In, The Chariot

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Botch have proven time and time again that they are a huge influence on mathcore bands. We Are the Romans is a pinnacle in their discography. 10 tracks that are pure chaos from start to finish but also with some post-metal parts sneaked in.

Agalloch - entire Discography
Genre -Atmospheric Blackened Doom/Folk Metal FFO: Fen, October Falls, Swallow the Sun

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Agalloch are a flawless band in every sense. I am still angry that they broke up and I will never get to see them. I personally remember a huge snowstorm last year and I decided to throw Pale folklore on my record player and read along while looking at the woods behind my old house covered in snow, it all fit so perfectly together. Also recall listening to The Mantle and Ashes against the Grain in the winter in New Hampshire surrounded by mountains of frost and a frozen lake. If there's one band perfect for winter it's 100% Agalloch.

Do No Harm - ...and I am Now Played Out
Genre: Melodic Hardcore/Screamo FFO: Touche Amore, The Carrier, Loma Prieta

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This may be a little outdated but I'm hoping some of you see this and get a big blast from the past. Do No Harm broke up a few years back but still left this masterpiece behind that is a force of aggressive screamo influenced hardcore. Think of a the emotion of Touche mixed with the aggression of  Loma, I know its not much of a comparison but you get the idea. And I am Now Played out is just as incredible now as it was when it first came out. Any young-uns out there give it a listen.

Bathory - Nordland I + II
Genre: Black/Viking Metal FFO: Mayhem, Amon Amarth, Burzum

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You can tell just from the cover that these are winter albums. Nordland is meant as a double album that was the original inspiration for "Viking metal".If you aren't aware, Bathory is a one man project by the very talented Quorthon (R.I.P.). Each song has the same theme of norse mythology and will make you cross a frozen desert to seek salvation from the gods.

Chelsea Wolfe - The Grime and The Glow
Genre Gothic/Neo-Folk

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Most of my friends know I never shut up about Chelsea Wolfe. The image of grey skies and dead trees come to my mind while listening to this album. The Grime and The Glow is one of the earlier more folk influenced Chelsea Wolfe albums that bring nothing but gloom and despair giving her music the label: "doom folk". Chelsea Wolfe is the queen.

Underoath - Cries of the Past + The Changing of Times
Genre: Blackened Metalcore (Cries of the Past) Chaotic Screamo (The Changing of Times)
FFO: Bleeding Through, Earth Crisis, Norma Jean (Cries of the Past) Majority Rule, Takaru, Touche Amore

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Most people think of albums like They're Only Chasing Safety or Define the Great line when the think Underoath. Both are incredible albums but they don't come close to touching these two. Let's start with Cries of the past. This was back when Underoath had mostly the original lineup. Underoath originally began as a metalcore band heavily influenced by black and death metal and Cries of the Past does them justice. This album is devastatingly heavy with some nice melodies and synthesizers added in. The Changing of Times came out 2 years later and introduced a more screamo influenced sound but still kept heavy breakdowns. Changing of Times is my personal favorite Underoath album and the last album featuring original vocalist, Dallas Taylor (Now vocalist of Maylene and the Sons of Disaster). Cries of the Past talks heavily about christianity and I believe it tells of Dallas's experience with it, while the Changing of Times talks of the loss of a loved one. Cries of the Past is a good walk through the forest while Changing of times is a walk in the city. If you've listened to Underoath and are more used to the Spencer Chamberlain era, I highly recommened these two albums.

Seven Sisters of Sleep - Self Titled
Genre: Sludge Metal FFO: EyeHateGod, Crowbar, Noothgrush

Seven Sisters of Sleep - Seven Sisters of Sleep

Seven Sisters of Sleep is an underated band in the world of sludge metal if you ask me. This is the type of album that is just plain mean and evil. Take the attitude of EHG and give it some satanism and hatred towards christianity and you got SSoS. Drive by a church blasting this in the winter and the priests will burn.

Fen - Epoch
Genre:Post Black Metal FFo: Agalloch, Panopticon

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Uk's Fen take a similar approach to black metal as Panopticon but make it sound more like Agalloch. Epoch is over an hour of soothing atmospheric riffs that are a walk through a forest in a snowstorm.

Modern Life is War - Witness
Genre: Melodic Hardcore FFO: The Carrier, Verse, Killing the Dream

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I'm pretty sure we all grew up with this album. MLIW is probably the only melodic hardcore band left at this point. This is the type of album to hear when there's little to no snow on the ground and you're in the city. Just gives you a black and white image in broad daylight and goes well with the cold weather. So what the fuck are ya going to do kid?

Panopticon - Roads to the North
Genre: Post-Black/Folk Metal FFo: Wolves in the Throne Room, Falls of Rauros

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Leave it to Panopticon to write balck metal for every time of the year. Roads to the North features the same style of black metal mixed with folk metal but this album has a more winter feel to it than Autumn Eternal. This is the type of album that will make you feel like you live on a mountain covered in snow.

Russian Circles - Memorial
Genre: Post-metal FFO: If These Trees could Talk, Red Sparrows, Caspian

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Panopticon will bring to the top of the mountain, Russian Circles make you experience and embrace it. Memorial is an instrumental album that is an adventure from front to back and the final song features a guest spot from the queen herself (Chelsea Wolfe)

Thou - Discography
Genre: Drone Doom/Sludge FFO: Sunn O))), Primitive Man, Indian

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Don't let the picture fool you, this band is not as happy as they seem. Thou are one of the loudest bands I've ever seen live. All their releases involve the same drone sound filled with despair. I guess there's a recurring theme with winter being connected with negativity and sadness. Let Thou be your sound track to a gothic architecture in the cold.

Downfall of Gaia - Aeon Unveils the Throne of Decay
Genre - Atmospheric Post Metal FFO: Neurosis, OathBreaker, Fall of Efafra

Downfall of Gaia - Aeon Unveils the Thrones of Decay

This album straight up slows the flow of time and keeps you guessing. You will hear shit you would never expect to come from a post-metal band. Various influences including black metal and gothic doom metal. You will not be disappointed.

Rotting Christ - Dead Poem
Genre: Gothic Black Metal FFO: SepticFlesh, MoonSpell, Paradise Lost (Modern)
Rotting Christ - A Dead Poem

Another recurring theme is the gothic one. A little history lesson: Rotting Christ formed in the late 80's. Here's the shocker,: They were originally a grindcore band but transitioned into the newer gothic metal band that they became. Completely irrelevant but I still think its interesting. A Dead Poem is a good midway point between the transition between their gothic black metal era into a more melodic era. It contains a little half and half of each but still with that melancholic sound that goes with the winter, perfect in the rain.

Alcest - Escailles de Lune
Genre: Post-Black Metal/"Blackgaze" FFO: Daefheaven, Wolves in the Throne Room, Panopticon

Alcest - Écailles de lune

Another grossly underrated band. in the past few years a lot of bands gained fame through 'blackgaze" music however I never understood how Alcest who have been around since 99 never got as big. Anywho, French one man band Alcest will blow you away with this display of black metal mixed with shoegaze. Ecailles de Lune does have a theme behind its lyrics, however the lyrics are in french. Alcest frontman, Neige, has said the influnce of Alcest comes from his dreams of him entering a "Fairy Land" so the album must talk about that at times. This album is more black metal influenced than the others Alcest has released making it a nicer soundtrack to the winter. Also, see this band live next time they come around and you will never be the same.

Carpathian - Isolation
Genre: Melodic Hardcore FFO: Landscapes, Modern Life is war, This is Hell

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Australian deathwish alumni Carpathian bring you that classic 2008 melodic hardcore we all love. Most melodic hardcore bands tend to give me a city vibe, however something about Isolation gives off more of a nature vibe that just feels as cold as the heart of your enemies. This album is another that gives off that emotional negativity, but gives a glimpse of hope.

Opeth - Damnation
Genre: Prog Rock

Opeth - Damnation

We're going chill for a second. Opeth's probably most popular album and shamelessly willing to say a favorite of mine. This is another relax at home and look out the window during a snowstorm album. Unlike the death metal era of Opeth, Damnation began the calmer prog rock era that they are known well for now.

Bleeding Through - The Truth
Genre: Melodic Metalcore FFO: Atreyu, Scars of Tomorrow, Eighteen Visions

Bleeding Through - The Truth

Bleeding Through are the one band that really kept every element of their original sound since they began. The Truth being one of the later albums still held it well also continuing their constant lyrical theme of love and personal struggle. This album definitely takes advantage of the symphonic sound and keyboards and every track could bring a tear to your eye while you bedroom mosh like your 13 again.

Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise
Genre: Death/Doom Metal FFO: Evoken, Novembers Doom, October Tide

Paradise Lost - Lost Paradise

One of the original doom metal bands to combine the sound with death metal elements. Lost Paradise is my personal favorite by the band. The lyrics are very nihilistic and will leave you with no sense of positivity whatsoever. Listen to this album and just freeze to death.

The Saddest Landscape - You Will Not Survive
Genre - Screamo FFO: Suis La Lune, Raein, Touche Amore

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No snow, dead trees, a break up text from your girlfriend. Thats all the imagery you will have for this album. Had the pleasure of seeing these guys play with City of Caterpillar at the beginning of the year and they blew me away with how incredible they sounded.

Planning for Burial - Below the House
Genre: Shoegaze/Drone/Post-rock FFO: Have a Nice Life, Jesu

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Another band recommended to me by thelookout. Below the House is a very interesting album. very soothing with heavier parts that fit in and you don't even realize it because it fits so perfectly togethre. The album gives you the same imagery as the cover as you would expect.

Bone Dance - Self titled
Genre: Chaotic hardcore/Mathcore FFO: Gaza, Converge, Cursed

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Not even sure if they're still together (Probably not), but Bone Dance is another band that got overlooked a lot. Bone Dance's self titled album is just none stop chaos and will give you a seizure, nothing else to it.

Killing the Dream - Fractures
Genre: Melodic/Chaotic Hardcore FFO: The Carrier, This is Hell, Converge

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Killing the Dream is untouchable. I wish more people would just listen to this and want to rip this off and then have it be awful and break up be cause no one will ever be able to write music like this again. I describe this band as Converge's more artsy albums but more melodic than chaotic. Fractures gives off that cold city night setting but fills you with emotional anger, like tons of anger. I swear the vocalist's favorite word ever is "Fuck". I remember listening to this album after a break up I had and screamed out of pure hatred from hearing " I never fucking said it before, I've never fucking meant it More, FUCK YOU!"

Rosetta - A determinism of Morality
Genre: Post-Metal FFO: Isis (the band), Mouth of the Architect, Latitudes

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Dark night, cold, freezing cold, you are covered in layers, you're looking up at the stars, you drift to sleep, you're dreaming of space travel, you feel at peace. Rosetta label their music as "astronaut metal" for a reason. Something about this album feels right in the cold weather at night. Give it a listen to understand.

Myrkur - Mareridt
Genre: Black Metal w/folk elements

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Myrkur is a different kind of black metal. Its not the Mayhem type with all the church burning, its not the ambient WITTR type of thing, its more like Panopticon in a sense of both the sound and the uniqueness. I was lucky enough to witness her live and the performance was riveting. Myrkur plays black metal but adds in different folk instruments and does more operatic screaming rather than the shrieks black metal is more known for. Highly recommend this album.

Numenorean - Home
Genre: Post-Black metal FFO: Ghost Bath, Wolves in the Throne Room

Numenorean - Home

The continuation of the post-black metal popularity amongst the public, I feel yet again this band gets overlooked. I have to say most bands like this don't really give much of a winter feeling but this is definitely one that fills you with sorrow in the woods. Numenorean's Home was high on my list for 2016.

Ghost Brigade - Isolation Songs
Genre: Post-Metal/Prog rock FFo: The Ocean, Callisto

Ghost Brigade - Isolation Songs

I like to think of this as "emo post-metal" its very depressing but still very enjoyable and unique. The vocals at times can even sound like an emo/post hardcore band from 2004. Need a little something different? Here it is. Ghost Brigade have been called depressive rock by many and each song will make you feel more lonesome than the last.

Woods of Ypres: Against the Seasons + Woods 4: The Green Album
Genre: Melodic Black metal (Against the Seasons), Backened Doom Metal ( Woods 4)

Woods of Ypres - Against the Seasons: Cold Winter Songs from the Dead Summer HeatWoods of Ypres - IV: The Green Album

Woods of Ypres are what I consider the most depressing band in history. Not once have they ever wrote anything remotely positive or upbeat, everything has always been life is awful and I want to die, I don't care who misses me, I won't even be happy, I just want to end it. Behind these lyrics lie beautiful melodies on both releases. A good transition between the two albums: Listen to Against the seasons during the rain, then Woods 4 when the rains stops. Maybe I should've just named this entire post the depressing playlist. Life is just pain and piss. RIP David Gold.

Year Of No Light - Ausserwelt
Genre: Post-Metal FFO: Russian Circles, Caspian, Red Sparrows

Year of No Light - Ausserwelt

Post-metal is becoming a repetitive genre on this list I'm aware. Year of no Light of very similar to Russian Circles with Ausserwelt but stay a little more on the metal side of things. Lots of tremelo picking mixed with beautiful atmosphere, that actually make you see more light than you would think despite the band's name.

Dead Swans - Sleepwalkers
Genre: Melodic Hardcore FFO: Killing The Dream, Life Long Tragedy, The Carrier
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Another repetitive one is melodic hardcore apparently. Dead Swans are a band most of us discover through either Bridge9 or the MBV cover they did once. Regardless, UK's Dead Swans bring you another aggressive melodic hardcore record that still stays emotional with their lyrics. Sleepwalkers features one instrumental interlude that is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard on a hardcore record.

I Would Set Myself on Fire for You - ...Believes in Patterns
Genre: Progressive Screamo/Indie/Emo/Post-Hardcore/Who the fuck knows
FFO: Circle takes the Square, I Hate Myself, Braid

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One of my favorite records of all time. One band: three vocals, two guitars, one bass, one synth, one drummer, and a bunch of orchestral instruments. You won't believe these patterns. The male vocals are easily distiguishable, the feamle vocals are beautiful and could put you to sleep, the orchestral instruments are very noticable but not obnoxiously emphasized. This album is incredible from front to back, you''ll never see whats coming. This is an album for when theres no snow on the ground, but cold enough to see you're breath and you just walked into a bar at midnight and you're stuck there thinking about everything wrong with your life.

Poison the Well - The Opposite of December
Genre: Metalcore FFO: skycamefalling, Hopesfall, Zao

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Poison the Well's first release made a huge mark on metalcore. Classic 90's metalcore mixed with various post-metal influences, the record keeps you on your toes only to knock you down with aggressive breakdowns.

Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Genre: Ambient/Sludge/Post-Metal
FFO: Isis (the band), Cult of Luna

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You can tell just from the name, this is a snowstorm record. Neurosis never fail to disappoint with any release. If there's snow blowing with a powerful force of wind, then a higher being controlling the weather is playing this album. The Eye of Every Storm will make you discover things you never realized about life if you read along to it. Become one with the storm with this release.

Scott Kelly - The Wake
Genre: Neo-Folk FFO: King Dude

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While we're on the topic of Neurosis, lets discuss Scott Kelly's overlooked solo project. The Wake is nothing but Scott and his acoustic guitar playing soothing tracks with a dark atmosphere. Eeerie to say the least but in a very nice way.

Neaera - Let the Tempest Come
Genre: Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore FFO: Heaven Shall Burn, Caliban, Darkest Hour

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Neaera have a very similar sound to their German brothers, Heaven Shall Burn. Surprisingly I don't believe they share any members. Let the Tempest Come will prepare you to embrace the cold As you battle with your own thoughts.

Major League - Variables
Genre: Pop punk, "easycore" FFO: Crucial Dudes, Four Year Strong, A Loss For Words

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I'll admit I'm not much for pop punk anymore but back when I followed the trend, this was a band that stuck out for me. Variables gave my that winter feel from both the cover, and seeing Major League play in a vfw in the winter. This ep features two pop punk songs and two acoustic songs that deal with life and relationships and if there's two things that really make it, its the first and last song.

Amenra - Mass III
Genre: Sludge/Metalcore/Post-Metal FFO: Neurosis, Buried Inside

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Welcome to the Church of Ra where your god doesn't matter and you will die a painful death. Amenra take you on an experience of true pain and loss all while presenting the fact that god can't save you. Mass III is my personal favorite from the band and will crush you with their powerful lyrics and heavy riffs.

Mourned - Rift Ripper
Genre: Death Metal FFO: Behemoth, Dying Fetus

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Death Metal.

Harakiri For the Sky - III Trauma
Genre: Post-Black Metal/Blackgaze FFO: Deafheaven, Alcest
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I can never get over this album art I love it. A record I'm glad got the recognition it deserved last year. If you ever thought " Deafheaven is cool but they're more of a nice day type of band" Harakiri for the Sky are a Deafheaven in the Winter. Seriously though how sick is that cover?

Darkest Hour - The Human Romance
Genre: Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore FFO: Arch Enemy, Himsa, As I Lay Dying

Darkest Hour - The Human Romance

After Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation, I'd say this is my favorite Darkest Hour release. The Human Romance is a beautiful addition of Darkest Hour's discography that emphasize their scandinavian melodic death metal influence. I mostly blame the video for Savor the Kill for making it a winter album but nonetheless, still a good album for the season.

Swarm of the Lotus - When White Becomes Black + The Sirens of Silence
Genre: Chaotic Metalcore/Sludge FFO: Knut, Deadguy, Playing Enemy

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I found out abot this band by accident and I am so glad I did. both of these albums are devastatingly heavy and will bring pure chaos in the blink of an eye. I can only imagine seeing them live, they wouold probably destroy your ear drums and knock you unconscious. Too bad they broke up.

Wolvhammer - Clawing into Black Sun
Genre: Blackened Sludge Metal FFO: Coffinworm, Fistula, Lord Mantis

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Black out the sun and perform some occult rituals cause Wolvhammer is here to abandon your god. I was lucky enough to see these guys twice last winter and it was very appropriate for the music.

Nothing - Guilty of Everything
Genre: Shoegaze FFO: My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, Swervedriver

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Before taking an alternative rock turn with Tired of Tomorrow, Nothing had Guilty of Everything which demonstrated a revival of the 90s shoegaze sound that MBV is well known for. While beautiful and soothing, one can't help but notice how heavy they can be and the levels of distortion can go from clean to death metal fast.

His Hero Is Gone - The Plot Sickens
Genre: Crust/D-Beat FFO: Disfear, Wolfbrigade, Tragedy

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Sometimes I feel people forget about this band but then I'll see one guy with a HHIG patch. The Plot Sickens is a short album with both fast d-beats parts as well as heavy sludge metal fillers. These guys were short lived but left a mark on crust punk.

Heaven in her Arms - Erosion of the Black Speckle
Genre: Post Black Metal/Screamo FFO: envy, Deafheaven

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Heaven in her Arms are known for being a screamo band but introduce a black metal influence in Erosion of the Black Speckle. I'll tell ya, Japanese bands are some really creative minds that impress me every time. This album will conjure rain out of no where wherever you are

Skeletonwitch - Beyond the Permafrost
Genre: Blackened Thrash Metal FFO: Goatwhore, Toxic Holocaust

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Journey across a frozen wasteland into the caverns of ice only to be frozen in place to swear your allegiance to the dark lord. Beyond the Permafrost is a notable release from Skeleton witch that presents blackened thrash with hints of melody. NONE SO COLD FROZEN SOUL SUBZERO!

Literally any generic black metal band

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No need to explain

Big Shaq - Mans not Hot

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Man can never be hot.

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