Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Z List

Image may contain: 3 people, people playing sports and tree
The end of the year is approaching and it was suggested to me that I should have a few friends post their top albums list before I do mine. That being said, we're gonna start with the one whose idea this was. The Man, The Myth, The Wang: Zach Ganshirt. Zach being one of the people I connect with the most through music, when he brought the idea up, I was more than happy to do it. Without further adieu, here's The Z List:

12. Royal Blood – How Did We Get So Dark?
Image result for royal blood how did we get so dark

Rock n roll ain’t dead I say. The genre has been through quite a bit over the years (including some embarrassing times in the early to mid 80s), but contrary to what your dad may say, it’s still alive and well in 2017. Royal Blood’s latest album How Did We Get So Dark? is the perfect combination of the more tame modern rock mixed with the fierce, balls out rock of the mid 1970s. On top of this combination are weird but catchy dance/electronic undertones that will get you movin’ and groovin’ simultaneously on you twenty minute commute to work.
Favorite song: Hook, Line & Sinker
11. Zara Larsson – So Good
Image result for zara larsson so good
Fuck you, this record is really good. Did I happen to stumble upon it whilst passing by a Forever 21? Did I shazam that shit ASAP? Yes to both of those questions. Pop music in the modern era isn’t too far off from pop music in the 80’s. Catchy, over played, simple – yeah this record has all of that. I generally end up finding one or two pop albums a year that really speak to me on a “hey, if I went to clubs this is the type of shit I’d want to hear” kind of level. In all seriousness Zara’s voice is absolutely beautiful and this record has the perfect ratio of upbeat pop extravaganza to sad break up pop extravaganza.
Favorite song: Lush Life
10. Brutus – Burst
Image result for brutus burst
I give major props to any band that tries the drum + vocal combo. I’ve tried that shit before and it is HARD. Brutus’ latest album Burst came out of fucking nowhere for me. It’s heavy, melodic, and unlike most of what is coming out in the vast genre that is metallic hardcore. There’s a weird slight twangy, alt rock element to Burst that normally I’d say “nah fuck that shit dawg”, but it really seems to work with this band and their precise culmination of metal and hardcore punk.
Favorite song: March
9. Converge – The Dusk In Us
Image result for converge the dusk in us

If you don’t know Converge then I don’t know you. Get tf outta my face. I haven’t given this album an extensive listen yet which is why it’s a bit low on the list, however, once I become familiar with every riff, lyric and drum fill on the album (just as I am with all their previous releases) I’m sure I’ll regret not ranking it higher. Not really a whole lot else to say. Just like all previous Converge albums, The Dusk In Us speaks for itself.
Queens of the Stone Age – Villains
Image result for queens of the stone age villains

You either love Queens of the Stone Age or like Queens of the Stone Age… or you sorta kinda like Queens of the Stone Age. What I’m getting at is that no one straight up hates Queens of the Stone Age. Villains is a solid continuation of the bands legacy in the modern rock world. What gets me going the most about this record is the very interesting dance floor-esque twist to hard rock that is continuously exhibts. Picture the Devil himself in a disco inferno and that’s the jist of Villains.

Favorite Song: Fortress

Collapse Under the Empire – The Fallen Ones

Post rock is pretentious, but so am I. In my opinion it’s one of the few genres that emphasize both the ability to master an instrument and write a well structured song. Collapse Under the Empire’s The Fallen Ones is pretentious, it is instrumentally adept, and it is written damn well. What more could you ask for from a post rock group? This record plays out an imagine of intergalactic space travel and cruising at the speed of light in a cool ass space ship or something.  – Listen to it and you’ll get what I’m saying ☺.

Favorite Song: A Place Beyond

Junius – Eternal Rituals For the Accretion of Light
Image result for junius eternal rituals for the accretion of light
Bostin post rock/metal outfit Junius felt it necessary to tease a new album for nearly a full year before finally putting it out early March of this year. Eternal Rituals For The Accretion Of Light follows Junius’ previous release Days Of The Fallen Sun wonderfully, offering a heavier, more metal oriented sound while still holding on to ambient overtones

Favorite Song: The Queen’s Constellation

Heaven In Her Arms – White Halo
Image result for heaven in her arms white halo
Yo, are you a fan of Japan? Are you a fan of grown men screaming in your ear over chaotic and near deafening music? Do you like feeling sad and also simultaneous really pissed at the same time? Well look no further than Heaven In Her Arms latest release White Halo. This album is brought to you by doing 110 in a 55. Need not say more.

Favorite song: Entagled Torus

Mastodon – Emperor of Sand
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Mastodon could release a bad record by their standards and I would still probably dig it. That being said, this album is not bad by any standards. Emperor of Sand sports the signature Mastodon heavy riffage with a brilliant near pop spin that will get both you and your girl up and on the dance floor. Mastodon is blessed with three very powerful and skillful vocalists that flaunt their dubious talents all throughout the album. Be careful which band member’s vocals you express more praise for. You might get shit for it on the internet.

Sleepmakeswaves – Made of Breath Only
Image result for sleepmakeswaves made of breath only
Bands that have names with multiple words and no spaces between them are awesome. Hopesfall, Skycamefalling, Drowningman, Maybeshewill – these are all killer bands. Sleepmakeswaves knows that if your band name is going to have no spaces then you gotta be good son. Made of Breath Only is the pinnacle of what post rock has evolved into over the years. It’s beautiful, melodic, emotional and pretentious as all hell. This record proves that you don’t need vocals to kindle some serious emotions and content relation. This record is just straight up incredible and if two of my favorite artists hadn’t released albums this year it would be a noble #1 AOTY

Favorite song: Hailstones

Lana Del Rey – Lust For Life
Image result for lana lust for life album
I really don’t have a whole lot to say about this album other than that Lana NEVER disappoints. Lust for Life is the soundtrack to hot, swampy summer days driving down I-95 with the windows down. I was a bit skeptical of the singles Love and title track Lust for Life upon their respective releases, but I expected that because of the high expectations I have for everything she releases. I’m all about those songs now. Straight up bangers, my dudes. I’m seeing the queen mid-January of the coming year and I am equally excited to hear songs off both Lust for Life and her previous releases. Tears are expected.

Favorite song: Cherry

Eighteen Visions - XVIII
Image result for eighteen visions xviii
Blah blah blah Eighteen Visions is one of my favorite bands of all time blah blah blah. Yeah, if you know me and you know what I listen to then you damn well better know that this band means just about the world to me. I can remember where I was when I found out that 18V was writing and recording a new record (on the toilet at work sometime in early February). I froze mid dump and sobbed, praising the metalcore gods for their gracious gift. June 2nd was the best day of 2017. XVIII was released and for eighteen hours straight I listened to this album none stop (exaggerating lolz). In terms of content, this album is a perfect collection of all past releases from the band. It has the dark and terrifying sound of Lifeless and Yesterday Is Time Killed; the chaotic and sporadic sound of Until The Ink Runs Out; The sassy and sexy undertones of Vanity; The tempered and more refined sound of Obsession; And the radio cock rock, total sellout composition of the self-titled album (FYI I love sellout records). XVIII is exactly what I needed from Eighteen Visions and my only true complaint is that it is too short. Long live 18V.

Favorite Song: For This I Sacrifice

Here is a short list of EPs, demos and splits in no order that I think fucking rule from this year also:
Field of Vision - Demo
Mourned – Rift Ripper
Zao – Pyrrhic History
Advent – Pain & Suffering
A Needle Under The Nail - Demo
xServitudex – Path To Amnesty
Pg.Lost/Wen Split
Converge – I Can Tell You About Pain
Scalp The Pioneer - Demo
Portrayal of Guilt – EP
Realm of Torment – Testaments of Hope and Despair
Lightyrs - Helioforms

Hands – New Heaven/New Earth

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