Thursday, October 18, 2018

Kero Kero Bonito @ Brighton Music Hall

Image result for kero kero bonito tour boston

   Welcome back to your adolescent years where everything is fun and the world doesn't suck. KKB took us on a Kero Kero journey for the night and it was just what we all needed to escape the horrors of adulthood. Everytime I attend a show at BMH its always something on the aggressive side of music, this one was a good change of pace, even with their....surprises?
    There was an opener for the night who I didn't get the name of as they didn't do much talking, and when they did, it was hard to hear. Apparently the name was Tanukichan, and it is a solo project. While the sound was not my personal preference, it was still rather enjoyable. Very chillwave-esque with a hint of indie, very comparable to Mitski. The crowd didn't really seem to care, I think I heard them talking over her more than the music.
     Now if you've listened to KKB before, you know it's primarily the three people pictured above, two of them doing electronics, and one of them doing vocals. with the new album, the added guitars bass and drum, while keeping the electronics. This night, they played as a full band.
    The drummer was the first to come out and began playing a punk drum pattern, also would like to point out what my man Phil pointed out, the drummer was wearing a Darkthrone shirt. The guitar and bass followed suit, then the keyboardist, and finally Sarah, with her white her, and dark sparkling dress. They opened with the first song off Time 'n' Place, "Outside". The curse of Brighton Music Hall took effect and you could barely hear her sing at first. 
    I couldn't tell but it looked like Sarah was pulling props out of a bag/box or something, inbetween songs she pulled out a stuffed flamingo and held it straight up in the air, I'm sure you know what that means. They immediately began the song "Flamingo" with the crowd clapping and singing along. Luckily the curse wore off and we could hear Sarah clear as day. she danced around with the flamingo holding it on her head or shaking it over the crowd. You could tell she is just a child who never wanted to grow up. The song did sound vastly different due to being played with live instruments and personally, I found it more enjoyable.
    Upon playing "Only Acting" was the first of the biggest surprise Sarah brought. If you know the song you know the glitchy noise parts, and how it almost sounds like shes screaming, I can confirm that she is screaming in the recording. Sarah let out death metal growls during these parts, and some of the noise parts I can compare to Full of Hell....I'm not kidding this really happened. The end glitch even played, and Sarah threw a garbage bag full of balloons into the crowd.
    KKB had many props this night. For the song "Break" Sarah took out a pink telephone during the phone call skit in the song with one of the other members. I can't get over the goofy look on her face when they did this. Other notable one was a stuffed frog(?) that she played with for I think two songs straight. Similar to the flamingo, she would dance with it, hold it on her head shake it over the crowd etc. When she put it back, she gave it a big smooch hoping it will become her prince. 
   KKB played mostly the new album and ended abruptly. They fans were screaming for more, until they came back, I bet you can guess what song they played....Time's up, it was "Trampoline". Again they played as a full band with the song sounding incredibly different, this was amazing though. The crowd shouting every word and once the chorus hit, everyone jumped up and down as if the flooor was a trampoline. the end of the chorus where Sarah echoes the word "bounce", she death metal growled it again while the band played a riff similar to a breakdown.....again I'm not joking. I had to turn to Neil and just say, "Dude am I wrong or is KKB heavy!?". She let out more death metal growls throughout the song and the crowd just cheered louder each time, the even progressively played fast to the point where the drummer was playing d-beats in the end.
   I've never been to a show where I've had a smile on my face the whole time to the point where it hurt. KKB really know how to make you feel young again and are a perfect escape from reality. I gotta say, this experience really showed me KKB know a lot about music and could really be making whatever they want. Also Sarah's growls could easily impress Corpsegrinder.

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