Thursday, October 25, 2018

Anxious Wave Debut EP Review

   I was given the opportunity to write about Anxious Wave's new Ep before gets release so I said why the fuck not. I was very intrigued by the demo with the unorthodox hardcore punk sound and knew I would enjoy some new stuff. 
   With better production on this one, I can actually differentiate multiple influences I may not have realized before. Listening to this I could compare the sound to the classic punk bands I've mentioned before (Dag Nasty, Bad Brains etc.) but now with a little non single Nirvana type of stuff, and even hints of dare I say...The Blood Brothers? In my opinion, its there. Anxious Wave keep the furious funk punk style in check even more with this ep, sprinkle in some Blood Brothers style slow parts with the dissonance, and the aggressive Nirvana "Negative Creep" style riffs, mostly makes me think of that song.
   The first song gives off that eighties punk vibes with a nice bass line joined in by an anxious punk riff and some Rollins style vocals. Plenty of funk with that bass throughout the song and thats what just makes me think its a good time live. All I can think of is two step city. A good intro that wastes no time and jumps right in.
   Now the next song starts off like a Blood Brothers song I feel. Think of something like "Love Rhymes with Hideous Car Wreck" but not as obnoxious. Clean sounding guitars, and a smooth drum pattern. Now that I think of it, the whole song kinda reminds me of BB. The vocal styles in this one get passionate with some "Woah wo's" or whatever the fuck its called and still remain aggressive and hoarse. Guess you could consider this one a ballad.
   The next one is a straight punk sound, but blended together with that Rock 'n' Roll guitar style and some heavy bass. Gotta love the lyric "I'm sorry, all your friends are dead!" only to have that chorus lead into a hard slow breakdown that actually has tremelo picking. The tremolo only leads to a slower and heavier riff guarenteed to Bring Da Muthafuckin' Ruckus. I think this one is my favorite.
   The next song is another slower ballad style. I say ballad but don't worry its not melodic or anything. This one is still pretty dissonant and mirrors the BB style I mentioned, it does speed up at times and eventually leads into a heavy one chorded breakdown. This song is a pretty powerful wave of emotions with the sound.
    Time to get back into the chaos. The following tune starts off with an eerie sample and leads into a dissonant riff I don't even know how to describe. All anxiety inducing aggression in this song. the guitr patterns move up and down constantly but doesn't hide that groovy Rock 'n' Roll bass. Call it mosh city when you see it, The lyrics in this one seem pretty relatable too for bonus points.
     As for the last song, let's call it the Outro. This is interesting. All you hear is an eerie piano riff and quiet symbols along with some strange yelping, almost sounding like a cry for help. Kinda makes me think of a movie where someone is going through a lot of shit and the camera shows the sky and revolves around it while show transparent images of the character suffering. 
   So this is my experience with Anxious Wave's new Ep, I hate doing x/10 type of stuff, but take my word for it. My favorite type of hardcore is the bands that take the genre and use obscure influences to spice it up. Anxious Wave are a good example of it, I think what seperates them from the rest is the eighties vibes they give off.
The new EP will be available Nov. 23rd, write it down, bitch.

Monday, October 22, 2018

KEN Mode and Birds in Row w/ BEDTIMEMAGIC, and American Ethos @ ONCE Somerville

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   I can't get over this flier, I love it. Almost as incredible as the show. A fantastic display of talent from each bands that, as American Ethos pointed out, do not have more than three members. I live for chaotic sludge like KEN Mode and Birds in Row I've been a fan of since my junior year of high school. Bonus points to Grayskull for the two openers who fit the bill like a pair of new socks on christmas morning.

American Ethos
Genre: Noise Rock/Hardcore Punk/Post-Hardcore FFO: Unsane, Uniform

So this one's gonna be short because I only caught the last three songs of the set due to my need for pizza (thanks Veggie Crust). American Ethos are more than what I expected, punk with alternate influences. From what I did get to see, the attitude from the music was shown well threw the bands movements. The feedback was loud and blaring only to go straight back into some angry punk rock riffs, and the vocals, gotta love it. Like a teenager beating up a cop with a skateboard. If you dig the odd side of hardcore punk, American Ethos show it off well.

Noise Rock/Sludge Metal FFO: Kowloon Walled City, Fight Amp, Whores.

These guys were....interesting. Only a drummer and bassist were on stage, but the catch? They both wore a all over print pug face leotard. As silly as this was these guys were wild. Both did vocals, some of those riffs made you question if you were hearing a bass or guitar, and the drummer was also playing an organ. Goddamn! I mean if you're gonna play as a two piece, you really gotta make it worth everyones while, the odd time signatures and drastic changes along with it, the chaotic riffs, and the crazy vocals, these guys had it all. I'm only slightly surprised I'm only finding out about them now. Insane amounts of potential and talent in these two nutcases. Great way to gear us up for the chaos to come.

Birds in Row
Genre: Chaotic Hardcore/Screamo/Melodic Hardcore FFO: Converge, Dead Swans, Ampere

These guys in my opinion stole the show. Holy fuck. If theres one thing I thought I would regret, it was missing these guys at O'Briens, then I heard about this show originally at the middle east, and thought, I think I'd rather see them there. However, moving this show to ONCE was the best move for a band like this. The lighting shined down just behind them with faint colored lights as well and the atmosphere of the ballroom and the curtain behind them just makes the perfect image for them. The way Birds in Row played, you could just feel the passion they had with a hard hit of anguish from the sound and a glimmer of hope from the slower stuff. These guys were pacing back and forth, whipping their guitars around, and the guitarist broke a string after just the first song. They explained that some of their songs revolve around current events, for example how tragedies are hidden by numbers. Luckily for me they did play an old song, "Pilori" and the bands movements during the chaos was just plan spazzy, the bassist whipped his guitar around by the strap, and almost lost grip. Deathwish really knows some talented artists to sign and Birds in Row are a shining symbol of it.

KEN Mode
Genre: Chaotic Sludge Metal/Metalcore/Noise Rock FFO: Fight Amp, Helms Alee, The Dillinger Escape Plan.

Unfortunately I couldn't stay for the whole set. I caught probably the first half hour but again, holy fuck.  Canadian chaotic powerhouse is an understatement. KEN Mode have been a band for almost 20 years and with a ton of albums under their belt, they still got it. It was hard to even comprehend the songs just because of how rediculously sporadic they played. There were songs where they straight up played two basses and no guitar, you straight up could not tell. The sound was super muddy and the noise rock parts were scratchy with the amps blaring out. The sound quality was impeccable. They nailed every sudden time change and the chaotic stage presence is always a plus in my book. There were times where the vocalist would look directly into my eyes while yelling, I'm sure he did it to just about everyone in the venue but regardless what a magical moment. Even for a short probably half set I got to witness, I left more than satisfied and almost shaking from the vibrations. Pretty sure KEN Mode caused a minor earthquake last night.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Kero Kero Bonito @ Brighton Music Hall

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   Welcome back to your adolescent years where everything is fun and the world doesn't suck. KKB took us on a Kero Kero journey for the night and it was just what we all needed to escape the horrors of adulthood. Everytime I attend a show at BMH its always something on the aggressive side of music, this one was a good change of pace, even with their....surprises?
    There was an opener for the night who I didn't get the name of as they didn't do much talking, and when they did, it was hard to hear. Apparently the name was Tanukichan, and it is a solo project. While the sound was not my personal preference, it was still rather enjoyable. Very chillwave-esque with a hint of indie, very comparable to Mitski. The crowd didn't really seem to care, I think I heard them talking over her more than the music.
     Now if you've listened to KKB before, you know it's primarily the three people pictured above, two of them doing electronics, and one of them doing vocals. with the new album, the added guitars bass and drum, while keeping the electronics. This night, they played as a full band.
    The drummer was the first to come out and began playing a punk drum pattern, also would like to point out what my man Phil pointed out, the drummer was wearing a Darkthrone shirt. The guitar and bass followed suit, then the keyboardist, and finally Sarah, with her white her, and dark sparkling dress. They opened with the first song off Time 'n' Place, "Outside". The curse of Brighton Music Hall took effect and you could barely hear her sing at first. 
    I couldn't tell but it looked like Sarah was pulling props out of a bag/box or something, inbetween songs she pulled out a stuffed flamingo and held it straight up in the air, I'm sure you know what that means. They immediately began the song "Flamingo" with the crowd clapping and singing along. Luckily the curse wore off and we could hear Sarah clear as day. she danced around with the flamingo holding it on her head or shaking it over the crowd. You could tell she is just a child who never wanted to grow up. The song did sound vastly different due to being played with live instruments and personally, I found it more enjoyable.
    Upon playing "Only Acting" was the first of the biggest surprise Sarah brought. If you know the song you know the glitchy noise parts, and how it almost sounds like shes screaming, I can confirm that she is screaming in the recording. Sarah let out death metal growls during these parts, and some of the noise parts I can compare to Full of Hell....I'm not kidding this really happened. The end glitch even played, and Sarah threw a garbage bag full of balloons into the crowd.
    KKB had many props this night. For the song "Break" Sarah took out a pink telephone during the phone call skit in the song with one of the other members. I can't get over the goofy look on her face when they did this. Other notable one was a stuffed frog(?) that she played with for I think two songs straight. Similar to the flamingo, she would dance with it, hold it on her head shake it over the crowd etc. When she put it back, she gave it a big smooch hoping it will become her prince. 
   KKB played mostly the new album and ended abruptly. They fans were screaming for more, until they came back, I bet you can guess what song they played....Time's up, it was "Trampoline". Again they played as a full band with the song sounding incredibly different, this was amazing though. The crowd shouting every word and once the chorus hit, everyone jumped up and down as if the flooor was a trampoline. the end of the chorus where Sarah echoes the word "bounce", she death metal growled it again while the band played a riff similar to a breakdown.....again I'm not joking. I had to turn to Neil and just say, "Dude am I wrong or is KKB heavy!?". She let out more death metal growls throughout the song and the crowd just cheered louder each time, the even progressively played fast to the point where the drummer was playing d-beats in the end.
   I've never been to a show where I've had a smile on my face the whole time to the point where it hurt. KKB really know how to make you feel young again and are a perfect escape from reality. I gotta say, this experience really showed me KKB know a lot about music and could really be making whatever they want. Also Sarah's growls could easily impress Corpsegrinder.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The TA13OO Tour: Denzel Curry w/ City Morgue

Image result for ta13oo tour boston

    Denzel Curry took us all to the darker side of town last night with his unbelievable performance. I knew the moment I finished listening to the newest album that it would be something to see live so of course I couldn't miss out. 
    Beginning the show was a group called City Morgue consisting of two rappers who introduced themselves as: KillaZami and Sosmula. I bet ZillaKami sounds a little familiar right? Any way, these guys were ignorant. There was a projection screen flashing their logo behind them. They had a pretty short set for rap I think clocking out after 30 minutes. Every song ZillaKami would force that pit open and would constantly stage dive. Tons and Tons of energy from these two. At one point, the two of them ordered that the crowd split into two for what he said "a tribute to the best band ever". They pointed two each side and said "You! Fuck them up! And You! Fuck them up!". They began a countdown and to my surprise Spit it out by Slipknot began playing with the two of them screaming along. 
    City Morgue prepared the crowd for the last song and brought multiple people from the crowd on stage only to nose dive back in, the two rappers followed behind while continuing the song. Upon finishing their final song, City Morgue gave one big goodnight as Heretic Anthem began playing with another wall of death spawning forth.
    A single mic stand stood in front of the stage as the projection screen showed a red curtain with the words ACT I. The lights dimmed and after a large applause, Denzel walked out wearing a hawaiian shirt, visor, and tightish black jeans. The curtain on the screen opened as Denzel began Taboo|TA1300, revealing images of Denzel holding Black ballons with a smile on his face in different heavenly backgrounds. If you've listened to the album, you know it works in three acts with the album getting darker as it progresses. He immediately proceeded into the next song on the album and then brought it back with a few older songs. His dancing and movements got more and more fierce the moment he began Sumo|Zumo. As you would expect, the crowd followed suit with each song, bouncing, moshing, and rapping/screaming along. I gotta give this crowd some props, the pit had me worn out to the point that I had to chill on the balcony.
    After Sumo|Zumo, Denzel walk off stage as the lights dimmed once more and the projection curtain closed and presented: Act II. Denzel came back and the curtain opened revealing a black and white background with images of Denzel with his black and white paint (as seen in Clout Cobain|CLOUT CO13A1N). He then began the next song, Switch It Up|ZW1TCH 1T UP with the crowd singing along. Denzel began to actually yell and scream the lyrics and would do the classic hip hop countdown to get more energy flowing. If anything he actually sounded borderline pissed during SUPER SAIYAN SUPERMAN|ZUPER ZA1YAN ZUP3RMAN when yelling "KILL SHIT KLL SHIT MY NAVY SEALS SHIT!" with the beat hitting hard and Denzel's sporadic movements. 
    Before one of my personal favorites of the album, Denzel stated that it is an important one to him and gave his praise to the guest feature J.I.D. That's right, SIRENS|Z1R3NZ. Unfortunately the song was cut short due to J.I.D.'s absence and faded away as Denzel chanted "fists up!'. I don't think there was a bigger sing a long than CLOUT COBAIN|CLOUT CO13A1N. A song about depression is something I'm sure we all relate to. I was deeply amazed at how Denzel goes from aggressive to heartfelt just like that. Almost like flipping a switch. Denzel stated that one song almost didn't make it on TABOO|TA13OO, I don't remember which, but the proceeded to play "The Black Balloons that didn't make it on the album." Denzel walked off once more as the lights dim, and the projected curtain closes.
    The curtain was projected: ACT III. Denzel walked back on stage with his posse this time including City Morgue, as the curtain opens revealling a darker background, this time with Images of Denzel, covered in blood or upside down in a straight jacket. Welcome to hell bitch. As you should know, Act III is the darkest one with his most aggressive songs. I should state he did not play these in order. I thought Denzel was angry before but the speed and anger when he performed PERCS|PERCZ was insane. You could see the darkness in his eyes and his movement was even more spastic and fast. At one point, he yelled X's up at the crowd. This was to honour his fallen friend xxxtentacion. I will put my personal opinion aside about xxxtentacion for the sake of the reader's opinion. I recently learned in Denzel's most recent interview that the two were once roommates/best friends so it only makes sense. he proceeded  to cover two of his songs (I don't listen to xxxtentacion, I don't know the songs) with his image projected on the screen. I'm sure you could guess a majority of the crowd were getting heavily involved as well as Denzel's posse shouting along with their own mics, especially ZillaKami. He then proceeded with the over-memed song Ultimate. I gotta admit, the beat for these songs made me feel like I was seeing a doom metal band with how hard it hit. Denzel yelled at the crowd to split in two, and it parted like the red sea as you hear the beginning to my personal favorite song on the album, BLACK METAL TERRORIST|13 M T. The moment the beat hit and Denzel started rapping, the crowd was anarchy. If you got sucked in, you weren't coming back. The way he was screaming, and the chaotic movements would make you think he's fucking possessed. It was absolutely wild. The song ended the lights shut off and every body walked off stage. 
    The crowd needed more and wouldn't leave until they got it. After much praise and chanting. The prejection screen revealed Denzel's face with blaring red eyes with the word "Encore" beneath it. He proceeded to the stage with his crew once more and played two old songs. I'm sure you noticed what song off Taboo I haven't mentioned. Well guess what, the crowd has been waiting for it all night. That's right, he closed the night with VENGEANCE. The crowd got back into the chaos ensuring one more endless, gigantic pit, and yeah you guessed it, ZillaKami did his guest spot and thats what made me realize who he is. Denzel and ZillaKami were grabbing people on stage and would follow suit in jumping into the crowd. When the song ended, the two placed the mics on the ground and gave them there energy Dragonball Z style as they both walked out.
   What an incredible night. People have mentioned to me how they've seen Denzel upstairs at the Middle East and while I was not there, I'm sure this was just as fantastic and maybe even next level with the visuals. I give Denzel my praise for being a hero that mainstream rap needs with his art.