Monday, August 28, 2017

Trapped Under Ice, Fury, Freedom, and Firewalker at the Middle East

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Hardcore heroes Trapped Under Ice tore up the downstairs venue of the middle east with support. The show was as wild as you would think with TUI's first Boston show since the hiatus and the ever growingly popular Fury and Freedom and the brute force of Firewalker. Part of Triple B records' summer slam, with Big Contest, Glory, and Ammunation playing an after show down the street at HC stadium (unfortunately I did not attend) and Praise, FREE, and Abuse of power w/ support the next day (will be reviewed next time)

Genre: Hardcore Punk FFO: Chain Rank, Leather Daddy, Bikini Kill
Firewalker opened up the night with what I thought was their best sounding set yet. Firewalker played their brand of hardcore with just plain mean sounding riffs, aggressive drumming, and absolutely angry vocals. Unfortunately to the crowd, their sound was not what they were used to and didn't seem to amused compared to the other bands (their loss). There were a bunch of girls, and a few guys, rushing for the mic for certain songs and still moshed. Firewalker has a reputation of getting the girls involved in hardcore and write songs about equality and women's rights. Firewalker played a short set but still filled with just as much energy that they have for any show that they would play. Personally I consider this band very underrated and hope their set left a mark on the crowd that night.

Genre: Hardcore/Hardcore punk FFO: Warzone, Breakdown, Underdog
Freedom was up next. Personally I was surprised at the reaction this band received. To my knowledge I associated Trapped Under Ice fans as the kids who are into the heavier side of hardcore and basically disown the punk side but a great portion of the crowd got down and dirty with them. Freedom broke into their aggressive hardcore songs about perseverance and patriotism with the crowd slamming into each other with just as much energy, especially during Freedom Slam. Primarily they played a lot off of Pay the Price which in my opinion was the best release withe just a few new songs and USA Hardcore songs sprinkled in. They even threw in a cover by the band Rixe and said its for the old school fans, unfortunately this was not a very old school crowd and no one really reacted to the cover. over all Freedom had tons of energy with the crowd with plenty of stage dives, moshing and pile ups for the mic.

Genre: Hardcore/Hardcore punk FFO: Free At Last, Protester, Abuse of Power
Fury definitely prepared the crowd for TUI. A very wild performance by another band that surprised me with the crowd reaction. The crowd probably had double the energy they had for Freedom during this set. Fury had a strong reaction from the start with the crowd mic rushing for just about every song and tons of movement in the pit. At one point there was a pileup of kids that got too out of hand that a security guard seemed to get pulled into it. Another guard had to come to rescue him and calm everyone down. I remember seeing Fury when they first started out and not many people even knw who they were, they've come a long way since then and it shows. With their growing popularity, I hope it influences people in the heavier side to get into for hardcore on Fury's side (it probably won't but whatever).

Trapped Under Ice
Genre: Hardcore FFO: Turnstile, Angel Du$t (literally the two bands combined)
Trapped Under Ice haven't played Boston since 2013 I believe, and fans have been waiting for them ever since. As soon as Justice walked out, the whole room erupted none stop into endless ruckus. Everyone no matter where they were knew every word to every song and every mosh riff it was ridiculous. Mosh pits formed out of nowhere in random spots, a few people got carried out, a friend of mine told me there was even a fight 10 seconds into the set. Trapped Under Ice proved they are still the kings of modern hardcore joining together multiple crowds from different branches of hardcore and came close to if not selling out the venue. Ending with the song Pleased to Meet You, everyone screamed at the top of their lungs "You Shake my hand, say pleased to meet you, look me in the eyes, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" and no matter where you were you were moving. I haven't seen TUI since high school so I'm gald I got to see them once again but deeply regret missing the after show hope you weren't dumb like me.

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