Monday, August 7, 2017

Neurosis, Converge, and Amenra at the Royale

The day I've waited years for. Three of the most incredible bands played the same stage in one night and it was one of the most phenomenal shows I've ever attended.

Genre: Post-Metal/Sludge Metal FFO: ISIS (the band), Celeste, Zao

Personally, I never thought I would ever get the chance to see this band for as long as I lived. Amenra definitely opened the show right showering a dark atmosphere of despair. The lights were off and a projection screen was behind them playing black and white scenes of a gloomy forest and the whole time, because of the lighting, all you would see is the silhouettes of the band playing there instruments. As heavy as Amenra is, the distortion from the guitars, as loud as they were, sounded clear as day, as did the bass, and the vocals were a faint echo of a raspy screech that put together will plunge you into despair. I would definitely say Amenra was a perfect opener for the tour especially considering most of the crowd was there for the set ( very rare to see that nowadays), but also because in a way, Amenra combine the sound of Neurosis and Converge but still make it their own, a very sorrowful, and dissonant sludge metal sound.

Genre: Mathcore/Metalcore/Post-Metal FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch, Cave In

I don't even know where to start. This was my third time seeing Converge and they blow me away more and more with each performance. This was the type of set I never wanted to end. While Amenra set the stage with more of feeling of despair, Converge came and the whole place erupted into pure chaos. Opening up with the song Dark Horse, I've never seen a mosh pit form so quickly. I'm not going to be cocky and get into what I went through in the pit or anything, (Converge being one of the only bands I mosh to), but I love to join in madness. Everyone was jumping for the chance at a mic share for Aimless Arrow, tons of two stepping to Trespasses. Converge played one new unreleased song, and from what I remember it was more on the artsy post-metal side of their style but still very heavy. They also played the two new songs on the ep that came out recently, first with the song "Eve" with its slow atmospheric side, and as the song ended the feedback from the amps continued to drone until Jacob Bannon said the words "I Can Tell You About Pain" and once again the chaos returns. Of course ending with the signature songs: Concubine, Eagles Become Vultures and then of course Jane Doe. endless violence and crowd surfs came from Concubine and Eagles, then massive sing a longs for Jane, with some more chaos in the pit. Jacob Bannon of course ending the set by throwing the mic up into the rafters, just as he did last time Converge played the Royale. Like I said before I can't get enough of this band, the live performances are just as incredible as the record if not better and the crowd always goes absolutely insane. Converge is a highly influential band for both metal and hardcore that you must experience live.

Genre: Post-Metal/Sludge Metal/ Tribal FFO: Cult of Luna, ISIS (the band), The Ocean

Let me start by saying, as much as I really wanted to I could not stay the whole set because of my job requiring me to get up earlier than normal. I managed to catch the first few songs from Neurosis so this may be a short review. Neurosis opened with the song Lost off of Enemy of the Sun and even played the sample at the beginning. as the sample ended and the music began, I was amazed by how perfect the sound quality was. I felt like i was literally listening to the record on vinyl except louder and heavier, its very hard to describe but it was mind blowing. throughout the night people have told me about Neurosis's last tour with The Body and Sumac and everyone said the same thing, Neurosis is the heaviest act they've ever seen. Scott Kelly and Steve Von Till being the two main vocalists have been doing it for over 20 years, and both their voices sound exactly the same as they started the band in '85. I only caught 4 songs I believe but the last song I got to hear was my personal favorite, Locust Star, and it was the heaviest song I've heard all night and Neurosis played it flawlessly and it didn't even look like they were trying. As I said its difficult to describe the experience you get from seeing Neurosis but I've waited years to see them and it was definitely worth the wait. You've never seen a band like this.

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