Sunday, June 25, 2017

Davefest II

The first of many reviews!

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To anyone who doesn't know, Davefest is an annual show to celebrate Mourned drummer Dave Coughlin's birthday, and needless to say, Dave knows how to party. With the help of his fellow bandmates, the second Davefest was booked with a mixed lineup at Boston's one and only Hardcore Stadium.

Field of Vision
Genre: Heavy Hardcore/Metalcore FFO: Hatebreed, All Out War

Opening the show was a new band out of Weymouth featuring Dave and Brendan Coughlin, as well as CJ Romeo filling in, from Mourned and everyones good friend Neil Murray on vocals. This was Field of Vision's first show luckily they had a decent crowd for the first band to play. To begin Neil said the words "Take care of each other" then proceeded into crushingly heavy riffs that only a few saw coming. With only a few songs written they also added a short cover of Tear it Down by Hatebreed. Overall the slow heavy riffs paired up very nicely with Neil's angry voice. Bonus points to them for being the only band on the bill with every member wearing Adidas. Field of Vision have a demo being recorded soon but still have t shirts available if you contact one of the members I'm sure they will be happy to help you out

Taman Shud
Genre ; Sludge Metal/Post Metal/Metalcore FFO: Poison the Well, The Ocean, Black Sheep Wall

Next on the bill was Taman Shud, a two piece from Walpole. Only judging by one EP the crowd had no idea what they were in for when this band came on. Appearance wise, Taman Shud turned a lot of heads considering every member wore  a ski mask during the performance except drummer/vocalist Zach Ganshirt who wore what looked like a potato sack covered in blood on his face as well as a Jonas Bros. t shirt that I know for fact he wears with pride. A very unique performance was given considering there was a different vocalist for most of the songs. The band opened with a Black Sheep Wall cover which was probably one of the heaviest songs played all night, then proceeded into a new song with Billy Nicholls of Mourned filling in Vocals. Next was a cover of the songs Concubine and Fault And Fracture by Converge with fill in guitarist Geo Hewitt on vocals. Converge being my favorite band, I was very excited for these covers but unfortunately it seemed like I was the only one. Playing a few more original songs as the set progressed, the PA was unfortunately having problems picking up the vocals, however this is no problem for Billy as for the last song he threw the mic down and growled as loud as he could. Even though the sound eventually shut off on the mic, Taman Shud are definitely a band one should experience live and the new songs are not to be slept on.

Vantage Point
Genre: Hardcore FFO: In My Eyes, Stop and Think

Vantage Point was up next. Being the only punk band on the lineup, a majority of the crowd was not used to their sound. Frontman Russell starts off by telling everyone "Please move closer I promise no one will mosh into you" an unusual thing for a hardcore band to say but nonetheless, he kept his promise. Vantage Point began with their brand of fast and aggressive hardcore and Russell's fast paced movements that Boston is known so well known for. The crowd liked what they were hearing. One of the last songs Russell explained was personal to him and it was about his father and his relationship. I talked to a few people after the set more used to the heavier side of hardcore to see what they thought, and most of them enjoyed the change of pace and definitely liked the fact that Russell wasn't afraid to put his emotions into the set. Vantage Point have a three song demo available now with new stuff to come and will also be playing with Violence to Fade, Red Vision, and Jinx on 8/2 at Dudley-Gendron post in Sutton MA.

Genre: Death Metal FFO: Behemoth, Dying Fetus, Napalm Death

The Stars of the show. I'm gonna dive right in to this one. Frontman Billy starts off by saying happy birthday to Dave then the music begins, the lights were off and all around us was absolute darkness and other metal cliches. If you've been to a mourned show you know what to expect. Destructively heavy riffs followed by evil black metal inspired parts with lots of blast beats. The crowd loved it and the pit got more and more rowdy as the set went on. At one point Mourned surprised everyone and covered Ov Fire and the Void by Behemoth, a very appropriate song to cover based on their sound, and also played their own song Ravenous Torment with a special guest spot for Taman Shud vocalist Zach Ganshirt. Throughout the set Billy would purposely say cliche things any commercial metal band would such as growling "Who is ready for the almighty Floods!?!" or "This next song is called...AAAAARRRRHGHGHG!!!" and it was hilarious. Mourned currently have and ep and a two song promo featuring songs on their new LP coming soon, and will be playing with Condor (Col.) at Ralphs Rock Diner in Worcester 7/1

Genre:Heavy Hardcore/Metalcore FFO: All Out War, Kickback, Recycled Earth

The headliner was the return of Floods. Opening with their crushingly hard riffs the whole crowd reacted as you would, the pit was an all out brawl. You could tell the fans have been heavily anticipating the reunion as a good portion of the crowd was upfront trying to the mic and eagerly trying to get the guest spot for the song Devil's Rhythm. A great performance and crowd reaction was unfortunately cut short due to a huge misunderstanding between people moshing and Floods ended their set, and the show was over. Even with an abrupt ending Floods proves once again why they were and still are the kings of the south shore, and definitely made Davefest II a show to remember.

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