Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Burned Alive By Time: A Blast From the Past

Killer Queen Bites the Dust template | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ...

Look at that, we're still going with this shit. Well recently I realized how bad I am at remembering when shows happened and I started think about shows I went to very far back to the point where I was like "Holy shit that was back when this band existed and when that band was nobody". Well you can thank a very talented photographer, Olive (@Oliviasjaw), for giving me this train of thought. That being said here's a bunch of bands you probably forgot about, stopped caring, about, or never even heard of.

Do No Harm
Genre: Melodic Hardcore/Screamo
FFO: Touche Amore, Verse, Modern Life Is War
Fav Release: ...And I am Now Played out

Only one member of this band didn't think I was a loser, and thats the drummer, and thats only because he's an even bigger loser than I am. I used to see Do No Harm a lot back in the day, I guarentee I can reactivate my facebook and find pictures from shows but fuck facebook. To be honest though, DNH could probably leave a bigger mark on everyone if they were still around now that this style is becoming far more popularized.

Hammer Bros.
Genre: Hardcore "MVHC" FFO: Shipwreck AD, COA, Reign Supreme
Fav Release: The Vitality
Hammer Bros. - Vitality - Amazon.com Music

Hammer Bros. were in fact before my time I'll admit but they absolutely deserve a spot here. If you're old enough to remember how hard everyone rep'd MVHC and Anchors Up, Hammer Bros. played a big part of it. Always enjoyed this more than RA, then again early 2000s hardcore was my favorite era so... kinda default regardless, a reunion would probably be terrifying though but fun.

Genre: Grindcore FFO: Fuck the Facts, Pig Destroyer, Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire
Fav Release: Gutter Choir

Hivesmasher came back last year I believe but let me tell ya, these guys left a mark on me. I was 14 years old and these guys were the first "local band" I ever saw. They played a showcase called Black Christmas at the palladium and Hivesmasher was the only band that had really...well...force, power, energy, whatever you want to call it. Every other band was a slam or blackened death metal band but I remember meeting the vocalist before the show asking what his band was like and he was super nice and understanding that it was my second show ever. Then on stage I see these musicians having a seizure while they play and Aaron shredding his vocal chords the fuck apart. after the set he came back to see how we were doing with his eyes watering and puked in the bathroom immediately after. I went on to see these guy 5 times all together before I even had a license and they broke up. Hivesmasher will always have a place in my heart.

Genre: Powerviolence/Hardcore Punk FFO: Punch, Torso, Gouge Away
Fav Release: Self Titled

I remember seeing Cerce all the time back in the day. If you still own the "fuck pop punk defend feminism" shirt they had, bonus points to you. Sometimes I look back and think how underrated these guys were, I mean they had sludgy elements let alone the powerviolence. Lovechild was alright I guess but we all know it wasn't the same...

Forest of Remorse
Genre: Slam Death Metal FFO: Abominable Putridity, Putrid Pile
Fav Release: Lashed to the Altar of Fornication

My slam phase was pretty poserish if I'm being honest but I gotta pay my respects to my brother the one and only Big Fudge for giving Forest of Remorse the rep they had. I've known the heavyweight champ since I was a young lad (ironically I think I met him at that Hiesmasher show) and I knew exactly what to expect when seeing Forest for the first time. Lots and lots of dildos. Whether he's throwing them at his bandmates, at the crowd, or hitting himself in the dome, he always said the iconic line: "THIS IS WHAT WE ARE! WE'RE A BUNCH OF DICKS!!" Pretty sure he threw a whole box full of them into the crowd once. All aboard the slam train!

Piss Poor
Genre: Melodic Hardcore FFO: Defeater, Have Heart, More Than Life
Fav Release: Born Bitter

Severely underrated band that I really wish lasted longer and still existed today. I remember around this time I heavily used the term "emotional hardcore" to describe a band like this. Connecticut had some gems back in the day (*cough* With Honor) and even still today (*cough* Anxious). Piss Poor I would call the hidden gem of Connecticut

My Fictions
Genre: Screamo/Hardcore FFO: The Saddest Landscape, Touche Amore, State Faults
Fav Release: Stranger Songs
Stranger Songs | My Fictions

I haven't forgotten My Fictions and never will. Still to this day these guys remind me I am worthless. Another band that could get so much recognition today with the revival of screamo. Listen to this band and understand why I hate myself.

Void of Heaven
Genre: Metalcore FFO: Earth Crisis, Unbroken, Strife
Void of Heaven

While we're at it, there were members of My Fictions that went on to be in Void of Heaven who dropped one demo and one demo only. WHY!? Void of Heaven did only this and hasn't released anything else and they were 90s metalcore reincarnated without the obnoxious bullshit. I only recall seeing them once with Primal Rite and I constantly wonder if its the only show they ever played.

Prison Hit
Genre: Rock n fucking Roll FFO: Motorhead, Anti Cimex, Amebix
Fav Release: The Demo

You probably already recognize these guys if you've been involved in BHC for at least the past 3 years. Man oh man nothing says rock n roll like Motorhead and if there's one band these guys sound the most like its Motorhead. This is a band I will forever miss. Prison Hit are the epitome of rock n roll in Boston.

Genre: Melodic Hardcore FFO: The Carrier, Dead Swans, The Effort
Fav Release: Solid Ground

I'm obsessed with The Carrier so of course I'm gonna put Endure. After the last Endure show I have grown very close to Tommy (the vocalist) and he would always tell me stories from the Endure days and how they purposely ripped off The Carrier riffs. Really the best way to describe Endure is a Christian The Carrier, which I know is a turn off for some but the passion Tommy had in this band is undeniable.

Genre: Grindcore/Metalcore FFO: Burnt By the Sun, Premonitions of War, Converge
Fav Release: State of Urgency

I saw this band once, it was their second or third show ever at a local showcase in RI, I got kick in the face 2 songs in and left with a bloody nose. The next day I went to school and rumors went around that I went to underground fight clubs. This band was fucking angry and dangerous. Honestly if these metalcore kids who spend $200 on 90s metalcore merch and pretend they saw them when they were 6 were around for this band, they would be put in a grave. Then again they probably wouldn't have the money after all the bootlegs they get scammed into buying, yeah I said it.

The Bonus Army
Genre: Hardcore FFO: Hammer Bros. Guns Up, COA
Fav Release: Negative Outlooks

Another MVHC rep. The Bonus Army was another Anchors Up regular that offered hardcore that was just plain mean and had kids flying. These bands were really fun to see back in the day. Featuring members of The Carrier.

Genre: Slam Death Metal FFO: Dysentery, Abominable Putridity, Party Cannon
Fav Release: Simplex Slam
Amazon.com: Pastease Censored Nipple Covers: Health & Personal Care

I feel most would find the album cover for this one a little extreme so search at your own risk. Anywho Composted were one of the best and funniest bands to see live when it came to death metal. No matter what there's a costume/dress code for them whether it happens to be a hot dog suit or hawaiian shirts. Composted always put on some memorable shows for a slam band that was meant to be more comedic than anything else really.

Native Wildlife
Genre: Screamo/Indie/Post Hardcore FFO: State Faults, Pianos Become the Teeth, La Dispute
Fav Release: Self Titled

This release came out after I was more into this band but man is it incredible. I remember first seeing Native Wildlife at some shitty venue in Taunton with Do No Harm and I remember they had a very colorful performance. Looking back now, its seems like screamo had quite a presence between 09 and 14 or so and I guess I just forgot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Genre: Hardcore FFO: Guns Up!, Down to Nothing, Shipwreck AD
Fav Release: Shameless

These guys played basically every other hardcore show I was at if I recall. I was looking at old fliers and was just like "Oh man Mata-fucking-hari". Just straight mean hardcore love it.

Some Nerve
Genre: Hardcore (BHC) FFO: Restraining Order, Chain Rank
Fav Release: Sense of Control
Sense of Control | Triple B Records

The real ones know. Triple B Alumni Some Nerve had some wild pits at Cambridge Elks where kids would swing from the pipes in the ceiling and do backflips off the couches (no joke). A set from these guys was always a wild ride.

Genre: Melodic Hardcore/Horror Punk FFO: Misfits, AFI, Ambitions
Fav Release: Invasions of the Mind
Invasions Of The Mind | Energy

The kings of Stoughton. Energy have got to be one of the most unique punk bands ever in my opinion. Its well known that they are H E A V I L Y influenced by Misfits and even have a cover album, but the music is pretty difficult to put a label on. They are still together and still writing music though not as active as they once were.

Pure Disgust
Genre: Hardcore Punk FFO: Bad Brains, Black Flag, Minor Threat
Fav Release: Self Titled

I may have fell off with hardcore in the past few years but when I went to pretty much every single hardcore show at the Elks, bands like this stuck out better than anyone. I remember seein Pure Disgust play AHC fest upstairs one year and they were the only band that had LITERALLY the entire room dancing. The whole time I was thinking "this must've been what a hardcore show was in the 80s" especially considering they are straight from DC and clearly sound like an 80s band. I still miss this band.

Genre: Metalcore FFO: All Out War, Pulling Teeth, 100 Demons
Fav Release: Day of the Dead and Disciplines Throne

The first time I saw Floods, they opened for Go Long Kid, a pop punk band from the south shore. I immediately thought they were the heaviest band from the area, especially after covering Entombed with only like 3 people in the crowd knowing it. Every time I saw Floods after that, the sets were just getting more and more dangerous where sometimes I would fear for my life. By the way if those vocals sound familiar to some of you, the same vocalist is now in Exertion. Also never forget Neil to none ;)

Sweet Jesus
Genre: Hardcore/Alternative FFO: Red Hare, Wolf Whistle, GIVE
Fav Release: You Destroy Yourself
You Destroy Yourself | Atomic Action!

Everything about Sweet Jesus was weird but at the same time it was really cool. Very unconventional hardcore with almost noise rock style parts, its honestly really hard to describe. I remember when I first even heard about Sweet Jesus, it was described to me as "a better Have Heart" only because it was fronted by Patrick Flynn, and the dumbass that told me hated Have Heart. SJ is a completely different project worthy of your ears.

Violence To Fade
Genre: Hardcore FFO: CIAC, Big Contest, Breakdown
Fav. Release: Unstoppable Force
Violence To Fade - Unstoppable Force (2017, Record Release ...

If you got the exclusive record release version (like I do) bonus points. We're gonna end here with what was probably the most fun hardcore band to see from Mass every other week. Featuring members of CIAC and Restraining Order, and probably more, VTF always had tons of crowd participation at every show and it was really sad seeing them go. But man did they go out with a fucking BANG!

No gag on this one. Couldn't think of one...

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