Sunday, July 14, 2019

Magic Circle w/High Command and Sweet Heat @ Great Scott

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Heavy metal madness returns to Great Scott. Local favorites, Magic Circle and High Command tore it up with special guests Sweet Heat. This one was a late runner but well worth it. I think its been a whole year since I last saw High Command and a few years since Magic Circle. Get ready to step into a portal to the world of knights, dragons, and steel!

Sweet Heat
Genre: Heavy/Traditional Metal FFO: Balck Sabbath, UFO, Rainbow

I was late arriving to this set due to the overdosage of Roxy's I was craving, however I am very glad I could catch at least some of it. Sweet Heat is the type of hard rockin' blues influenced metal band that sounds straight out of the 70s. Guarantee my heavy metal aunt would love this shit. Soulful vocals with a bluesy guitar finish and even with solos. You don't see that too much anymore. This is the ind of blast from the past that reminds you of the bands your parents showed you before you knew what music was. This is rock n roll! God damn do these guys do it right. The crowd was all for it, head banging and cheering, like it really was the 70s. Granted they were the opening band so not much movement nor too many people but I really hope they got their name out there.

High Command
Genre: Thrash Metal/Crossover FFO: Slayer, Power Trip, Testament

High Command really show off the reason they got signed to a big label. Once again they begin with the classic "We're High Command" while holding up a sword  The moment that riff starts. you are in a battle of steel on horseback. Straight up if you can name a band out of Mass that thrashes harder than these guys, I will personally give you 50 bucks out of my own pocket. There were kids flying back and forth for every song that literally made me ask my self "Do these kids run on kinetic energy or something?". Its like they were training for a sporting event. Gonna say that the best part of High Command's sound was the reverb in the vocals, I don't think they had that at the Integrity show. I don't know what it was but somehow with no lights or special effects, the band just gives off this aura that makes the atmosphere perfect. Like I didn't even feel like I was in a bar. High Command go full force and give 100% every time I have seen them and I don't think that will change.

Magic Circle
Genre:Heavy/Doom Metal FFO: Saint Vitus, Pentagram, Cathedral

Then of course we have Magic Circle. A crowd favorite amongst Massachusetts metal. I will admit, I was hoping as a headliner they would have some sort of lighting effects but unfortunately they did not. Nonetheless this does not subtract from the sound or energy they gave off. It really does amaze me the way the vocalist hits those octaves. The band was in constant motion moving with the riffs and the crowd followed suit. honestly for the most part their was much movement in the crowd other than headbanging, aside from a small pit during Lightning Cage. The big reason to see magic circle is the heaviness of the band and the passion from the musicians. Like High Command, the revrb in the vocals is another good effect and with the range of his voice, the band sets the atmosphere to a similar fantasy background. Pretty cool to see these guys play in a bar rather than the Middle East this time.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

All Playlists

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I decided to let you all in on my spotify playlists just to give everyone a taste of what to expect on this blog. I feel most of my friends already know what I'm into but some of you may like to dig deeper and maybe discover something new.Maybe you'll hear of one of these bands playing near hear soon and you'll know I'll be there for a review. Maybe you're just curious of what I enjoy. Whatever the reason, I hope everyone checks them out and enjoys. I'm always constantly adding to them as well as making new ones.

Death Metal Playlist: Death To False Metal
   All the most extreme death metal

Gym Playlist: The Church of Iron
   This is what I lift to, a combination of metalcore, deathcore, death metal, ignorant rap, and motivating hardcore. There are two surprise songs in there, shuffle the playlist and find them, no cheating!

Skate Playlist: Bill Cuneo's Underground Pro American Wasteland Skater Extravaganza
   Obviously what I skate to. Combonation of punk, metal, stoner/sludge, rap, etc. A littl bit of everything. I made this one thinking about Tony Hawk games.

Stoner/Doom Playlist: For Sm0nking W33d and Summoning Demons only 666
   Probably the longest one. Full albums are on this one. All slow and evil doom metal subgenres.

Goth Playlist: Too Dark
   Tons of darkwave and post punk from all eras. Some death rock and industrial also sprinkled in. Everything for your goth needs with no bullshit.

Pop Playlist: Let's Fucking Party
   It's no secret I love pop music. These are my favorites.

Electronic Music Playlist: Electric Prison
   All electronic music ranging from sad, chaotic, and chill.

Chill Music Playlist: Realm of Chillin'
   Combonation of Shoegaze, indie, rap, chillwave, emo etc. All stuff I enjoy when I'm in a good non spontaneous mood.

Noise Playlist: Distorted Nightmare
   No harsh noise, I'll say that first. I enjoy the artistic and terrifying side of noise music a lot. Everything on this one has structure.

  Summertime Lovin', Lovin' in the Summer (Time)
  Pumpkin Spice

Friday, July 12, 2019

Nicole Dollanganger w/ Seed, and Kira McSpice @ ONCE Ballroom

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A night we have been waiting for since that beautiful album came out. Nicole Dollanganger finally comes to Boston. At first I was slightly disappointed the show would go past 10:00 but surprisingly enough the openers gave a fantastic performance definitely well preparing us for Nicole. Gotta point out how into it the crowd was to with everyone dressing like children and goths. Really adds to the atmosphere.

Kira McSpice
Genre: Ambient/Indie FFO: Marissa Nadler, Emma Ruth Rundle

I had no idea what to expect from this project. Almost complete darkness with only a keyboardist as well as a guitar/vocalist (aka Kira McSpice). First thing she said was "who's ready to get sad!?" as the crowd cheered. Made me think it would be something emo, but instead became this creepy but melodic wave of emotion. Kira's voice projected powerfully with the keyboardist actually playing both ambient samples as well as samples of Kira's voice. I remember my pal Keith (Deathwish Inc.) leaning over to me saying: "I feel like I'm in a horror movie". Couldn't agree more. Couldn't help but feel like I was seeing Chelsea Wolfe again with the way she was singing. Sweet lord did this woman have pipes! Overall performance was incredible and fit well with the bill. Both members performed their hearts out and for only the first act I was very impressed.

Genre: Experimental Doom Metal/Indie FFO: Elizabeth Colour Wheel, Thou, Screaming Females

The only time I ever saw Seed's name was on a flyer for the Thou/Emma Ruth Rundle collab tour, so seeing them at this show I was curious, as most know how much I L O V E D that collab set when it hit the flywheel in western Mass. I had no prior knowledge to this bands music, but to see them perform as a three piece (Vox, Guitar and Drums), well nothing could have made me more intrigued. I can't say every song was similar however they of course followed the core structure of doom metal. Very heavy for a band with no bass, but on top of that, the range that the vocalist had was impeccable add in with frightening and deafening screams. I felt like I was in the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks and Laura was screaming her head off right in my ear. The band managed to take their doom influence and tie in some stuff comparable to modern emo bands, post rock, and indie. One song they played had blast beats and tremelo picking, it was basically black metal. Seed stated that they have a record recorded but are waiting for the right time to release it. Keep up with this band, you won't regret it.

Nicole Dollanganger
Genre: Gothic Indie/Folk FFO: Emma Ruth Rundle, Marissa Nadler, Chelsea Wolfe (early)

Heart Shaped Bed was pretty high on my list last year and Nicole's guest feature with Full of Hell still terrifies me. I knew the day would come that she plays Boston and that night was this one. The only light that shined down was a velvet pink as Nicole walked out with a garden window statiioned behind her. She wore a dark dress that gave her new blonde hair a little more flair as she smiled at the crowd while they cheered. This night really saw some talented vocalists, but of course Nicole absolutely takes the cake. I'm not to used to such a quiet set but my goodness it only made the performance more powerful. The atmosphere, the garden window, the lighting, all teamed up with her haunting voice hitting the exact note she needs just makes you feel like you are on her album covers. Some songs even had a click track.
    One thing I did want to bring up was during one song, I can't remember which, there was a member of the crowd who was having a medical emergency (?). I couldn't see what was going on from where I was. Mid song Nicole asked if she was ok, and while still singing grabbed her a water. After the song, a thumbs up was given implying everything was alright and the friends yelled "Thank you so much! You're an angel!" Nicole also saves lives literally while singing and not missing a beat.
    Unfortunately this was another I couldn't stay for the whole set.

So all together this night was a true showcase of vocalists for sure, but I absolutely must give praise to Seed for the instrumentals that are very talented and kept me on my toes for the whole set. More praise as well to Scott who played with Nicole doing both guitar and keyboard and gave an even more spectacular atmosphere to the ballroom landscape. Outstanding performances by all!