Friday, June 14, 2019

Full of Hell, Primitive Man, & Genocide Pact w/ Limbs Bin and Mourned @ The Middle East

Image result for grayskull booking full of hell primitive man
Happy Birthday Dave Coughlin.

The night finally came for Mourned's big break: Opening for Full of Hell (took you long enough, Billy). I'll start by saying as much as I love FOH, I had to skip out due to my stupid adulthood once again, however I'm certain that they were as incredible as ever and put on an amazing set. Of course its also always an experience seeing Primitive Man as well as Genocide Pact. Good to be back!

Genre: Death Metal FFO: Behemoth, Fuming Mouth, Gatecreeper

Mourned debuted many new songs this night. Probably 80% of the set was unreleased songs. Gotta say I'm into it. Mourned seem to be getting more and more extreme with thier music and influences as time goes on, really since the beginning of the band. These new songs really put on a full death metal outlook on them and really sheds out the hardcore influence they once had. However, one thing they will never be short of is bringing the mosh. Each song heavier than the next and the fans were rowdy with excitement...or maybe murderous intent. It got to the point where inbetween songs you could faintly hear someone in the crowd say "Whoever hit me in the back of the head three times, go fuck yourself". I'm sure it's nothing a few drinks wouldn't fix.
   Soundwise I beleive they sounded even better than the last time they opened for Primitive Man at this venue. tough to say however considering the vastly different setlist. One thing I noticed is the vocals now contain more shrieks as well as even more gutterall lows.
   Anywho, most of you know that Mourned are my brothers in arms and I will follow them forever, I mean, they were the first band I've ever reviewed and on top of that Brendan was the one who suggested I start this blog in the first place. Bias opinions aside, These guys continue to work their way into being one of the most talked about bands in both the metal and hardcore communities and their hardwork really shows with every set they play. I will never get tired of it.

Limbs Bin
Genre: Harsh Noise FFO: ?

I remember seeing Limbs Bin play a five minute set the last time I saw Full of Hell and it was actually chaotic sounding and gave me a headache, but I remember it fitting well in the night. Tonight however I just wasn't feeling it. There wasn't much flare or anything it was just noise, I got nothing. I'm sure Limbs Bin doesn't care what I have to say anyway.

Genocide Pact
Genre: Death Metal FFO: Tomb Mold, Gatecreeper, Undergang

Genocide Pact impressed me more than I thought they would. I recall a friend who saw them play with Dying Fetus not long ago say they were incredible live and I guess I should've took his word for it. I'll admit I never got that big into them but they were worth my time. Every slow riff had the crowd moving. I even saw a short fight start. Granted you don't see much karate moshing at death metal shows but some of these kids showed their stuff.
    Aside from heavy riffs, the technicality was spot on and the quality was near perfect. My only thought was the slow riffs would get repetitive every now and then, but the crowd had no problem with it. A death metal band that leaves me with bruises usually doesn't disappoint.

Primitive Man
Genre: Sludge/Doom/Drone FFO: Indian, Unearthly Trance, Lord Mantis

These guys I can be skeptical about. If you've seen Primitive Man live before you know what to expect. Heavy, slow, loud, doom. Yep that's pretty much it. Last time I felt like the gimmick wore off for me with the last few songs, but this time around I think their set was in descent shape.
   While a majority of Primitive Man's song are long and drone and really don't change too much, they every other song had tempo changes and faster drum patterns which actually wakes you up after thinking they're just doing more done songs. Of course they were as loud as ever and easily the heaviest set of the night, for me at least. Overall if you're a fan of sludge/doom metal like I am, Primitive Man is worth seeing what the hype is about at least once, you just gotta hope they aren't shitfaced.

Fuming Mouth, Mourned, Creeping Death @ Hardcore Stadium tonight at 6:30. GO!

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