Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Zach "Spark Plug" Ganshirt Playlist

Zach recently contracted ligma during pregnancy and was rushed to the great state of Cali to live there forever until he mans up and comes back. Zach has helped out with this blog multiple times and recommended plenty of different artists for every playlist and came up with the idea of having friends write about their top albums of the year which will 100% continue to happen. On top of that, his project Taman Shud was featured in the first review I've written. I thought this would be a good going away gift for you my friend, enjoy your new life and some of your favorite music.

Poison the Well
Genre: Metalcore/Post-Metal/Alt. rock
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Zach's number one favorite band. Poison the Well showed a huge progression in sound throughout their career keeping the same heavy structure and experimenting with multiple genres. Absolutely a pinnacle for both metal and hardcore alike.

As Cities Burn - Son, I Loved You At Your Darkest
Genre: Emocore/Metalcore FFO: Haste the Day, Norma Jean, Underoath
Image result for as cities burn son i loved you at your darkest

I'm pretty sure everytime I hung out with Zach somebody would bring this one up. Personally I dislike the stuff after this album, but goddamn is this a masterpiece. This album is the embodiment of pure melancholy, and now that they have this vocalist back I can't wait to see the future.

From First to Last - Heroine
Genre: Emo/Post-Hardcore FFO: Silverstein, A Static Lullaby, Drop Dead, Gorgeous
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When I was a kid, I never got into FFTL, always just thought it was mediocre. Then Zach "Peas" Ganshirt told me to check this one out. This was a force of aggression in the form of teen angst I never would've expected to hear from Sonny "Skrill Daddy" Moore. Changed my opinion on them from being total pussies to actually a cool band.

The Ocean - Aeolian
Genre: Post-Metal/Mathcore FFO: ISIS (the band), Cult of Luna, The Dillinger Escape Plan
Image result for the ocean aeolian

When I first heard the Taman Shud EP, this was all I could think of. The Ocean is a rediculously talented collective featuring members all over the globe brought together by the main writer Robin Stapps. This album in particular includes Nate from Converge, Nico from War From A Harlots Mouth, and even Sean Ingram from  Coalesce. Best album by far in my opinion from The Ocean.

The Hope Conspiracy - Death Knows your Name
Genre: Hardcore FFO: American Nightmare, Blacklisted, The Suicide File
Image result for the hope conspiracy death

This style and era of hardcore was my personal favorite. Strong, angry, and mean. You don't need the trendy heaviness that everyones into now, you just need the attitude. Thats hardcore to me. This record I remember jamming before jamming at Zach's where we just jammed a bunch of jammy jams. Came up with a bunch of stuff similar to this record, wish we could've took it further.

Hopesfall - The Satellite Years
Genre: Post-Hardcore/Metalcore/Space Rock FFO: Poison the Well, Hum
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Nothing else comes to my mind than Zach "Gay for Phillip J. Fry" Ganshirt when I hear this one. With a love of space and sci fi themes and a beautiful atmospheric metalcore sound, it doesn't surprise me that this one was life changing for him.

Black Sheep Wall - I Am God Songs
Genre: Experimental Post/Sludge Metal FFO:???
Image result for black sheep wall i am god songs

The H E A V I E S T album on the planet. In my first review ever, I recall mentioning Taman Shud covering a song off this album. It still baffles me how unique this band is and how much it hurts to keep time with it.

Poppy - Poppy.Computer
Genre: Electro-Pop FFO: Kero Kero Bonito
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Zach showed me this with no background knowledge of who Poppy was and then I went home and watched her youtube videos and it made me love it even more. I remember blasting this in the car after we got some Grasshopper (#1 vegan restaurant in Boston). This album is very fun and party worthy with a side of awkwardness.

If These Trees Could Talk - Above the Earth, Below the Sky
Genre: Post-Rock FFO: God Is an Astronaut, Red Sparrows, pg. Lost
Image result for if these trees could talk above the earth below the sky

It's not often you meet someone passionate about post-rock. I myself enjoy it, however I never followed it as much as everything else. This was a band I hear Zach "The Human Post" Ganshirt talk about very often. I do recall them playing Great Scott years ago and regret not going only to find out Zach was there. Fuck you man.

Killing the Dream - In Place Apart
Genre: Melodic/Chaotic Hardcore FFO: The Carrier, Converge, Life Long Tragedy
Image result for killing the dream in place apart

One of the best hardcore has to offer, and I will never stop hyping it. I've written about KTD multiple times and I wish they were still around to relieve my stress with those angry as fuck lyrics and chaotic but beautiful riffs to follow. This one is another of Zach's top bands and I believe his favorite album by them.

Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal FFO: Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Rotting Christ
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I do believe I've put this one on one of the halloween playlists already but fuck you here it is again. Zach isn't a fan of black metal unless its got S O U L....and by that I mean symphony. Honestly though we all love Cradle of Filth, I mean at least one of their phases, how could you not?

It Dies Today - The Caitiff Choir
Genre: Metalcore FFO: Bleeding Through, Misery Signals, Remembering Never
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It Dies Today were one of the bands that made the swoop hair style look cool back in the day before it gone severely overdone by the hot topic crowd. This album is a balance of both hardcore and metal that Zach loves to death. In fact I recall him saying one of these songs was his MySpace song.

Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today
Genre: Youth Crew Hardcore FFO: Youth of Today, Bold, Ten Yard Fight
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We all also love Gorilla Biscuits. GB are one of those bands that weren't entirely serious and just made straight edge less like a trend and more fun. Zach's not a youth crew guy but will never deny his love for Gorilla Biscuits. He's still jealous of my GB belt.

Alexisonfire - Watch Out!
Genre: Emocore/Post-Hardcore FFO: Thrice, From Autumn To Ashes, Thursday
Image result for alexisonfire watch out

It is very difficult for me to pick out a favorite by these guys but this one is Zach's so here we go.
This album in particular rivals the self titled for me. Alexisonfire are what I like to think of as "emo with riffs" considering those riffs just jump right out at you with the right amount of emotion and the dual vocal combo works well with it. Listen to AOF and regret not growing up with them.

Bleeding Through - Portrait of the Goddess
Genre: Symphonic Metalcore FFO: Winds of Plague, Scars of Tomorrow, Eighteen Visions
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One of the biggest reasons Zach "Barbell Swallower" Ganshirt moved to Cali is to lift at Brendan Schieppati's gym, therefore of course I gotta throw his favorite BT album.

The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Nuclear. Sad. Nuclear.
Genre: Mathcore/Grind/Jazz Fusion/Screamo/Metalcore FFO: Heavy Heavy Low Low, Ed Gein, Me and Him Call It Us
Image result for the number twelve looks like you nuclear sad nuclear zip

 Back in December I got a text saying "Dude wanna go see The Number 12?" of course I responded with a big "Hellz yeah !! XD". In case you didn't see it earlier there was a review for the show and it was this album played front to back.

KNUT - Terraformer
Genre: Chaotic Sludge Metal FFO: Coalesce, KEN Mode, Swarm of The Lotus
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I know Zach loves this band but I'm not sure what his favorite release is but this one is an absolute ass beater. Another band that he told me is a main influence on Taman Shud. Chaos and sludge metal make my man happy.

Ligeia - Your Ghost is a Gift
Genre: Melodic Metalcore FFO: It Dies Today, Dead to Fall, Misery Signals
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Hey Zach! I'm Sorry You're Ugly.

Necrophagist - Epitaph
Genre: Technical Death Metal FFO: Decapitated, Obscura, Cryptopsy
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Zach ain't himself without some tech death. still waiting on that new album that was supposed to be out like a decade ago.

ISIS (the Band) - The Red Sea
Genre: Post/Sludge Metal FFO: Amenra, Neurosis, The Ocean
Image result for isis the red sea

One of the heaviest things ever written. Overall ISIS have a flawless discography even with progressively changing. Start from this release (or even Mosquito Control) for some bone crushing heaviness, then end with Wavering Radiant for the heavy but Defones-y melodies.

Beloved - Failure on...
Genre: Emo/Metalcore FFO: From Autumn to Ashes, As Cities Burn, Chasing Victory
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You know that one band that your glad someone showed you that has a style nobody does anymore? Thank you, Zach for showing me these guys I can't get enough. Before Advent, the vocalist was in this band writing sad sad songs with incredible riffs and still some aggressive breakdowns. Sure you wouldn't expect it but both bands are incredible.

The Human Abstract - Nocturne
Genre: Progressive Technical Metalcore FFO: Protest the Hero, Between The Buried and Me, Veil Of Maya
Image result for the human abstract nocturne

THIS BAND NEEDS TO COME BACK!! Every album was different but this one takes the cake, check that, the whole bakery. You never know what to expect from these riffs. Its just riffs on riffs on riffs. Progression is very similar to what btbam would do but the technicality as well as the vocals really nails the coffin.

From Autumn to Ashes - Abandon Your Friends
Genre: Emo/Metalcore FFO: Underoath, Alexisonfire, Drop Dead, Gorgeous
Image result for from autumn to ashes abandon your friends

Two reasons why this is on here:
1. No matter the conversation, Zach and I always always always discuss FATA whether its in person or not
2. Zach Abandoned his friends to move to Cali

The Early November - The Rooms too Cold
Genre: Emo/Alt rock FFO: Manchester Orchestra, The Starting Line
Image result for the early november the room's too cold

This is the only album of theirs I've ever gotten into, but I know Zach loves 'em. I'm surprised all the Basement and Balance & Composure fans don't hype the F out of this like Code Orange fans do with Disembodied.

Gay For Johnny Depp - The Politics in Cruelty
Genre: Mathcore/Hardcore Punk FFO: The Bled, Daughters, Fear Before the March of Flames
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Some of my best discussions with Zach happen in Grasshopper. We had one where we were discussing absurd mathcore titles and he mentioned Gay for Johnny Depp and I laughed my ass off. This is just pure chaotic ignorance reminiscent of old Daughters with the silliness of HHLL. Super political too as you could probably tell.

UnderOath - The Changing of Times
Genre: Chaotic Screamo/Metalcore FFO: Majority Rule, Takaru, Love Lost but Not Forgotten
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This is the best and most relatable UnderOath album, fight me if you disagree.

Lady GaGa
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We all like Lady GaGa, but Zach "Pop Princess" Ganshirt worships the ground she walks on.

Mastodon - Crack the Skye
Genre: Progressive Sludge Metal FFO: Doomriders, Kylesa, Big Business
 Image result for mastodon crack the skye

I've never met a metal fan that dislikes Mastodon and 80% of the time, this is their favorite. Come to think of it, Zach, Billy and I all had Mastodon on our top albums of the year. Personally I like this one better with Emperor of Sand being a pretty close second.

Between the Buried and Me - Colors
Genre: Progressive Death Metal/Metalcore FFO: The Human Abstract, The Faceless, After The Burial
Image result for between the buried and me colors

Another favorite amongst metal fans. Before feverishing jacking it to Dream Theater, Between the Buried and Me had their own massively impressive prog metal sound that blew everyone away. This one was the first album I ever heard where each song transitions into the next. It's almost like listening to a movie.

Dead to Fall - Everything I Touch Falls To Pieces
Genre: Metalcore FFO: Remembering Never, On Broken Wings, A Life Once Lost
Image result for dead to fall everything i touch falls to pieces

I was late to the party for these guys until just today even though Zach constantlt told me to check them out. In my opiniion, this album may have perfected dissonant one chorded breakdowns. I can only imagine the reaction in 2002.

War From A Harlots Mouth - Voyeur
Genre: Mathcore/Grindcore FFO: PsyOpus, Car Bomb, Me and Him Call it Us
Image result for war from a harlots mouth voyeur

I've always preferred the less serious WFAHM, but after being turned on to this album, I never realised how dark this band can be. We all love the silly side of mathcore but I'll always be more on the dark side. Zach "H(a)unted" Ganshirt.

Horrorshow - Notes from the Night that Never Ended
Genre: Hardcore FFO: American Nightmare, The Hope Conspiracy, Modern Life is War
Image result for horrorshow notes from the night that never ended

This is one I don't know if Zach is aware of. I've heard someone call these guys "The American Nightmare of Philly". While the sound is very similar, I think of it as replcing AN's post-punk influence with an emo influence as some parts can be rather skramz-y. Need more? Dominic from Nothing fronted this one.

Remembering Never - Women and Children Die First
Genre: Metalcore FFO: Dead to Fall, Misery Signals, Eighteen Visions
Image result for remembering never women and children die first

In all seriousness, you probably can't name an angrier and more political metalcore band than Remembering Never. If you ask me these guys were revolutionary. Dissonant panic chords with destructive breakdowns and the song titles are MySpace style but with a serious take on it. L O V E it.

Russian Circles
Genre: Post-Metal FFO: Pelican, Caspian, If These Trees Could Talk
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Instrumental bands really bring out their potential. Russian Circles is one of the only bands I know Zach sees basically everytime they tour. I was lucky enough to catch them once before with Cloakroom and Wildhoney and what a show that one was.

Shelter - Mantra
Genre: Youth Crew Hardcore/Alt. Rock FFO: Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Foo Fighters
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Religion in hardcore? thats right. Shelter was formed as a Symbol to Krishna. All the songs revolve around the subject. This album is a fun sing-a-long type of deal and I gotta say, I feel like the single "Here We Go" could be on a teen sitcom.

The Carrier - One Year Later
Genre: Melodic Hardcore FFO: This is Hell, Shipwreck A.D., Dead Swans
Image result for the carrier one year later

In my opinion, these guys may have done melodic hardcore best (not counting KTD because of the chaotic sound). The lyrics are very emotional and relatable with the melody being not as obnoxious as you would hear modern day. I could borderline call it metalcore but not entirely.

Deadguy - Fixation on a Coworker
Genre: Chaotic hardcore/Metalcore FFO: Kiss it Goodbye, Coalesce, Burnt by the Sun
Image result for deadguy fixation on a coworker

When someone asks me "what do mean by chaotic" I immediatly present them with this album. Long forgotten by some and never known by most. Zach is the only other person I've met that knows about Deadguy.

Shai Hulud - That Within Blood Ill Tempered
Genre: Melodic Metalcore FFO: Misery Signals, Poison The Well, 7 Angels 7 Plagues
Image result for shai hulud that within blood ill-tempered

The decision for my favorite Shai Hulud album comes between this and Hearts once Nourished, however this one wins in terms of lyrics. Everytime me and Zach discuss Hulud we always try to pronounce this vocalists name, look it up.

The Faceless - Planetary Duality
Genre: Technical Death Metal FFO: Obscura, Psycroptic, Beneath The Massacre
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For many, this album redefined technical death metal. The odd time signatures and jazzy riffs pair up with a sci fi theme. This is the number one thing that comes to mind when I think of The Faceless. Iconic. We must transcend the illusion.

The Devil Wears Prada - Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord
Genre: Melodic Metalcore FFO: August Burns Red, Underoath, Vanna
Image result for the devil wears prada dear love a beautiful discord

The best era of TDWP was the early not so serious one. Personally I prefer Plagues but this one had the best artwork out of everything. Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over.

At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
Genre: Melodic Death Metal FFO: In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Carcass (Heartwork)
Image result for at the gates slaughter of the soul

Look up any interview with any metalcore band from the early 2000s, they will say this album was monumental. A favorite amongst Oliver Sykes, M. Shadows, James Hart, you name them, they love it. You are not a metalcore kid if you never heard this album, poser.

Cave In - Until Your Heart Stops
Genre: Mathcore/Metalcore FFO: Converge, Botch, Poison the Well
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Fucking Juggernaut. R.I.P. Caleb Scofield

Lana Del Rey
Genre: Indie/Pop FFO: Marina and the Diamonds, Adele
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I have never met anyone as Lana obsessed as Zach " I eat posers for breakfast" Ganshirt. Start a convo about her you won't hear the end of it. If we're being honest though, can you blame him?

Coalesce - Give them Rope
Genre: Mathcore/Sludge Metal FFO: Botch, Knut, Converge
Image result for coalesce give them rope

Coalesce somehow manage to take mathcore, slow it down, keep it chaotic, and just make you violent. Once again another one that was a big influence on Taman Shud.

Twelve Tribes - The Rebirth of Tragedy
Genre: Metalcore FFO: If Hope Dies, It Dies Today, Scars of Tomorrow
Image result for twelve tribes the rebirth of tragedy

This one is one of the symbols of 2004. Every day I pray that this band comes back but it is very less than likely to happen. Twelve Tribes is a band that makes you focus more on the meaning of the music than the mosh. The vocalist states "Times of fear and uncertainty always seem to produce the best art". I have met two people that are aware of this band: 1. Zach 2. A 7 foot tall terrifyingly muscular individual in his late 20s/early 30s I met at the vein record release who saw them in 2004.

skycamefalling - 10.21
Genre: Metalcore FFO: Poison the Well, Prayer For Cleansing, 7 Angels 7 Plagues
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First things first. Zach recommended this one for the summer playlist but I forgot to add oit do to my dipshit scatterbrain. This is a night time album with a cool breeze. I personally feel full effect at my family's lake house in NH late at night just staring directly ahead at the lake. I tried to get Zach to watch Twin Peaks because of this album (Theres a song on it titled Laura Palmer) he probably still hasn't though...pussy.

Botch - We Are The Romans
Genre: Mathcore/Post-Metal FFO: Coalesce, Converge, Poison the Well
Image result for botch we are the romans

Botch were one of the original mathcore bands, if not THE original. I'll say this first, if you are a fan of the band vein, this album is a requirement for you. Chaos is something Zach lives for and no one can compare to Botch.

Earth Crisis
Genre: Metalcore FFO: One King Down, Strife, All Out War
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At Bill's Rock 'n' Roll Weekend, we're all about XVX. If it wasn't for Zach's support, going vegan would've been harder. Earth Crisis won't stop until a Firestorm purifies the world. Zach loves this band so much he has ten of their shirts, mostly vintage too.

Heavy Heavy Low Low - Everything's Watched, Everyone's Watching
Genre: Mathcore/Grindcore FFO: The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Ed Gein, Daughters
Image result for heavy heavy low low everything's watched everyone's watching

HHLL are just plain silly. Nothing about them was ever serious nothing at all and thats what we loved about them. This is the type of thing where they just said "Fuck it lets just play what we want" and that became some super ignorant heavy and annoying bullshit that makes you want to punch your grandmother in the coochie. Hopefully they come back but they probably won't

Norma Jean - Norma Jean VS The Anti Mother
Genre: Mathcore/Metalcore FFO: Poison The Well, Underoath, Botch
Image result for norma jean vs the anti mother

Robots: 3 Zach "Silk bag full of puppies" Ganshirt: 0

Misery Signals - Of Malice and the Magnum Heart
Genre: Melodic Metalcore FFO: Shai Hulud, Dead to Fall, Remembering Never
Image result for misery signals of malice and the magnum heart

I still remember the look on Zach's face when they got this vocalist back. Of Malice and the Magnum Heart is an unforgettable album that left a mark on many metalcore fans of the era. Tons of emotion tied together with massive aggression. The later albums by the band follow suit well but this one started it all.

Swarm of the Lotus - The Sirens of Silence
Genre: Chaotic Sludge Metal/Metalcore FFO: Knut, Coalesce, Amenra
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D E S T R U C T I V E. The one word that comes to mind. This band live must've been the most deafening thing on the planet. I'm not sure if Zach knows of these guys but it's definitely right up his alley if you've been paying attention.

August Burns Red - Thrill Seeker
Genre: Melodic Metalcore FFO: Haste the Day, Parkway Drive, As I Lay Dying
Image result for august burns red thrill seeker

Most of us grew up listening to August Burns Red whether you were a metal kid, hardcore kid/ or even a scene kid. August Burns Red is for all. Nothing beats this record. I consider it a gateway for technical music at this point. Most christian metalcore bands at this time really knew their way around a guitar.

Eighteen Visions
Genre: Metalcore/Alternative Metal (18v) FFO: Martyr AD, Remembering Never, Bleeding Through
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I think we'll end it with this one. Eighteen Visions redefined heavy music with each album sounding slightly different until changing drastically with their final two albums before reuniting, and even those two were different. After Poison the Well, 18v is Zach's favorite, and unlike most he loves everything they put out, yes even the sellout butt rock stuff, and fuck you its a good album. I still remember them announcing their return to Massachusetts and Zach and I bought our tickets immediately and I've never seen him sing along so passionately. Another big reason he moved was to get his haircut by James Hart....he'll probably stalk him while he's there too.

I think I provided enough for Zach to text me after reading this and say something like "Haha dude that playlist is perfect! You're the best! Thank you so much!".

R.I.P. Zach Ganshirt
2002-2005 Metalcore is dead poser.

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