Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Anxious Wave - Demo Quick Review

    Introducing a new band out of the great city of Providence, Rhode Island. Been a long time since I've been involved the Rhode Island hardcore/punk scene but its good to see bands like Anxious Wave are keeping it alive and well among many many others. This project features members of previous RIHC bands Lowlife and Product of Waste and probably more that I'm not aware of. The demo is an eight song adventure with a classic 80's style hardcore structure but with some crazy riffs that just scream rock 'n' roll. Dare I say, it can be pretty damn phunky.  It's tough to compare the sound. All throughout you hear some soulful riffs you could easily dance to and some slow punk style breakdowns. Kind of makes me think of Bad Brains, Dag Nasty, Soulforce Revolution era 7 Seconds, and Wild Side thrown into a blender with maybe some Corrosion of Conformity on the side but just a little bit. I'm giving them bonus points for the cool name and logo. Overall what we got here and an acid trip of a hardcore punk demo. Each song is an aggressive punk force that just makes you want to boogie. Consider it entering a time machine to the classic era of hardcore. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The New Reality Tour: Code Orange, Wicca Phase Springs Eternal, Twitching Tongues, vein, and Trail of Lies @ The Paradise

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   Seven. Seven pairs of camo pants. I know Matt McCarthy will be sad to hear that there were no tripp pants worn here. Didn't think I would be writing this one. After hearing the new EP by Code Orange, I just needed to hear at least one of those songs live. Quite a mixed bill with the special guest for this date being Wicca Phase Springs Eternal who I was more than curious to see, along with metal hardcore geniuses Twitching Tongues and the masters of chaos, vein. Let's dive right in.

Trail of Lies
Genre: Heavy Hardcore FFO: Suburban Scum, Lifeless, Naysayer

This band was bad.

Genre: Experimental Hardcore/Mathcore/Alt. Metal FFO: Thumbscrew, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Slipknot

    vein have proven time and time again since 2013 that they are the next important band in hardcore. With the constant trend of heavy, vein take it to the next level and create music you didn't know could be possible. This night in particular was the release date of the new LP: Errorzone. As you can imagine, the set was crazy. From the moment they began, every member would move sporadically and Anthony would jump straight over the security guards into the crowd. I couldn't wait to see how the song Virus://Vibrance would play out. The drum roll was sampled well, and the crowd knew every word. Anthony went over the barrier shove the mic into the crowd while they screamed the end to the song. Kids were constantly getting on stage only to fly back into the crowd. For Doomtech, a friend of the band was on stage singing the clean part, I believe  he was the vocalist of the band, Zero Hour. Of course vein ended with Progenitor where a ton of kids got on stage, let me remind you this was at the paradise, and shouted "WHY DID I SURVIVE?!?!". I lost count on how many there were. If there's one band that one needs to experience live, its vein.

Twitching Tongues
Genre: Doom Metal/Hardcore/Crossover Thrash FFO: Candlemass, Merauder, Only Living Witness

    Now Twitching Tongues was one of the bands I was waiting for. No matter how much hype they get, it will never eliminate the fact that their music is incredible. If I recall, this was the first time I've seen Twitching Tongues since the incredible performance at This is Hardcore 2015. Opening with the hit Eyes Adjust, the crowd was upfront, myself included, singing along to Colin's doomy words. The pit was rather small compared to vein, but if you've seen TT before, you know that a fan of TT L O V E S TT and will go to the farthest lengths to show it. This may have been the best sound I've heard the band have, but it has been a while since I've seen them so it's tough to say. The song Preacher Man, one of my personal favorites post-Sleep Therapy, had one of the best reactions of the night. I even managed to get the mic. It was almost like seeing Type O Negative with the sound quality they had. I feel obligated to say the one and only Billy Mourned got the mic multiple times throughout the set which is becoming a normal thing for shows I review it looks like. The Sound of Pain unfortunately did not have the reaction I hoped for, being the most thrashy and heavy song on the new album. Traditionally, Twitching Tongues ended with World War V, and naturally the crowd screamed every words and the pit was a complete warzone with tons of people getting clobbered.

Wicca Phase Springs Eternal
Genre: Cloud Rap FFO: nothing,nowhere. LiL Lotus, Tigers Jaw

    Half the crowd cleared out for this set, but this was the one I was most curious about. I've tried to get into Wicca Phase before but its tough for me. It's one of those things where I can appreciate it for what it is more than enjoy it. Regardless after the last soundcloud rap show I went to and had tons of fun at, I wanted to see how Wicca Phase would play out. Again with my man Connor, he informed me that doing Wicca's beats was Fantasy Camp, and I'll say it, those beats went hard, and Adam definitely sounded way better and less whiny than he does on record. Some songs I did recognize, like In Providence, and you could see his emotion as he was performing, however the song Corinthiax remains my least favorite. The second song he played was called Stop Torturing Me (Thanks Connor) which was one I was not familiar with and it basically sounded like Tigers Jaw with beats. Most songs where he sampled acoustic guitar sounded like Tigers Jaw now that I think of it. At the end of each song you would hear over the speakers "Goth Boi Clique". The one thing that stuck out to me the most was the last song he played that I do not know the name of (If anyone can tell me please do). The beats had a doom metal riff sampled into it that I feel like I've heard before but not sure, if Adam wrote it, bonus points to him. The song altogether was dark, gloomy, and depressing just like a doom metal song. I turned to Connor excited yelling "Dude that song sampled a doom metal riff that was sick" and some idiot nearby heard me and said "Most of his stuff is sampled". What the fuck was this idiot trying to do by giving me this information. Wicca clearly did not have a band with him and all instrumentals were clearly playing over the speakers. As Code Orange were setting up, Connor saw Wicca Phase walk by and just said "Sup Wicca" and he responded "Yo!" and held up peace. Cool set, glad I didn't skip out, fuck that kid though, what an idiot.

Code Orange
Genre: Industrial Metalcore/Alternative Metal FFO: Disembodied, Slipknot, Bloodlet

    Alright so most kids in their 20s like myself can say how we've seen Code Orange grow. Most remember two tours they did as Code Orange Kids: one with Defeater, and the other with Gaza. These were both back in 2011-2013 or something. I still remember the first headline tour with Twitching Tongues at the Middle East upstairs right when I Am King came out. From there, they worked hard enough to headline the paradise. No matter what, these guys always have and always will give their all. Opening with My World, the intro was played slower and heavier, and the crowd responded. The lightning was almost seizure inducing. Kids were flying all over the venue. The band still had the same passion and energy with their movements from the very first time I've seen them. for the most part, the set contained most songs off of Forever, with I Am King, My World, and The Hunt. Kill The Creator was the most dissonant sounding song they played, my favorite off the release and Anthony from vein did a guest feature for the end. I'm sure most people were hoping to see Corey "The Knot" Taylor for The Hunt, however Reba did his part in the song , but still did it justice. The glitchy end to the song was done in a more Full of Hell noise type of way but the samples and everything else was spot on. Throughly impressed at how they pulled it off. Jami stated that they first played a garage in Lynnfield to 5 people and they are very grateful that they manage to escalate to where they are now. The fans were primarily young hardcore kids with a select few mainstream kids sprinkled in and it showed in the way they reacted to they band. Whether they were holding up horns, fighting their friends, stage diving, you name it, it all happened. Joe and Dom would be pulling kids on stage while playing, and Eric's vocals sounded even more inhumane than ever. Code Orange ended with I Am King followed shortly after by The Hurt Goes On. Quite a performance and quite an adventure seeing how much these guys grew.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Code Orange - "The Hurt Will Go On" Review

    Earlier  today, Code Orange surprised us with a new three song EP entitled "The Hurt Will Go On" and I gotta say I'm way more impressed with this than I was with the previous full length. Normally I only do these type of reviews for friends and locals, but this release I felt deserved my attention.
     Now when it comes to Code Orange, I will say "I Am King" was a spectacular release that really shed the previous Code Orange Kids era AKA Trash Talk meets Converge sound that personally I enjoyed more, however the LP showed more potential towards a heavier Disembodied influence that was a good change of pace. I've seen the band perform countless times under both names and it got to the point where I felt I've seen them enough. The release of "Forever" presented a more mainstream approach still maintaining the metalcore sound but introducing both industrial and alternative metal influences, that I thought could go way better than it did but I can't deny the LP did have its bops.
   Now this new EP, why am I so impressed? Well Code Orange managed industrial stuff further and perfected it. Let's start with that first track, "3 Knives". Its really powerful and aggressive with some old school metalcore riffs and I gotta say the breakdown is just plain classic. The industrial parts are not subtle, in fact its straight up in your ear and emphasized. What they do differently is use it chaotically, like you can almost feel reality break like glass. Its not like Ministry or Skinny Puppy industrial but more like mathcore riffs if they were filtered through tv static. They even manged to fit the samples in violently and fade out with it well to make it sound like they want the music to be terrifying, kinda like what grindcore bands would do.
    Now lets address the elephant in the room. Most of us probably saw the words: "New Code Orange song featuring Corey Taylor of Slipknot" and immediately checked it out never expecting something this to happen. Well out of curiosity I had to check out the song entitled: "The Hunt". As soon as I finished it, I said out loud: "Paul Cronin just rolled in his grave". When it started, I was afraid it was another "Bleeding In the Blur" but it quickly progressed into something way better.  All throughout the song you hear: industrial, hardcore punk, alt. metal, and some rocking riffage. Again the elctronics are emphasized but mixed well with the song, then the ending breakdown is like a chaotic glitch that actually will make you question if your media device is starting to break. Corey Taylor's part isn't obnoxious and just makes you think "This is insane", it just blows my mind that I saw these guys when they first started and they ended up making a song with him.
    The last song is a remix of the song: "The Hurt Goes on" and is the titled track of the EP. Now this song along with the original is a straight up industrial interlude track, nothing else. Its tough to really review a remixed track, but the previous song fades right into it, and is a good outro to the release. The sample in the song is made to sound more demonic, the drums sound tribal, and with the electronics, and straight up sounds like the ending to a horror movie with no happy ending just before the credits roll and you just see a black screen. Towards the end, you can hear Jamie's vocals more muffled and vicious. Not sure what Code Orange were going for, but this song, despite being an interlude, could easily make it in a horror movie soundtrack.
    I'm not one to really do a x/10 rating and I'm not gonna do one for this. If you are a fan of Code Orange's new sound, then you will love this release. If you are like me and was set off a bit from the previous release, trust me this one is a step up continuing with the industrial sound. "The Hurt Will Go On" gets Bill's Rock 'n' Roll Stamp of Approval. Send me your feedback lets get a discussion going and get a part two to see everyone's opinion. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Full of Hell & Gatecreeper w/ Goolagoon, and Limbs Bin @ Sonia

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   Full of Hell brought their audio destruction to our ears at Sonia in Cambridge. Joining them was death metal warriors from the desert, Gatecreeper along with local favorite, Goolagoon, and Limbs Bin. A colorful cast of characters ranging from metal kids to crust punx, making the pit quite a warzone with a nearly sold out crowd.

Limbs Bin
Genre: Noise FFO: Merzbow

"Don't really like noise, I really just prefer silence"
                   - Dr. Paul "Nice Legs" Cronin M.D.

Not much I can really say about this set. Limbs bin was one guy screaming into two mics while blaring loud distortion. Not gonna lie it was better than the last noise set I've seen (Some guy that opened for Siege) but I can't understand the enjoyment of a noise set. Furthermore, he came on stage and said "I hate Boston and wish none of you were here". Quite the intro, but I give him bonus points for the Lana Del Ray shirt he was wearing. Can't really complain considering he only played for barely 10 min.

Genre: Powerviolence FFO: ACxDC, Sex Prisoner, Punch

   I was really curious to see what Goolagoon had to offer. I remember hearing the name back in the day thinking, it must be one of those not serious bandcamp projects, but after seeing that they were playing Maryland DeathFest I think last year, I think they deserved my attention. For someone like me who hasn't really been into powerviolence since high school, I was impressed by the sound. Goolagoon came on stage introducing themselves then said "Shoutout to the queers who came out". The vocalist was off stage in the crowd and the moment they began, the crowd immediately responded and caused all out punk chaos. Circle pits all around, kids slamming into each other, and the slow riffs...I'm sure you could guess. The drums  and strings were violently fast and still slow and destructive, while the vocals were barked viciously.  They did also include a cover that I did not recognize. Goolagoon defiinitely earned their rep in their home. Gotta say I never would've expected a Spongebob themed powerviolence band could be this good. If you've read my reviews before, you know I suck at reviewing punk and hardcore so i'll end it here before I get repetitive and stupid. Goolagoon will be playing again with Dropdead, Think I Care, Wound Man, and So Be It at Hardcore Stadium, June 30th, more than likely I'll be there, less than likely I'll write it up.

Genre: Death Metal FFO: Genocide Pact, Bloodbath, Blood Incantation

   Gatecreeper never disappoints. When it comes to newer death metal bands, these guys are one of the best ones live and I won't let anyone forget it. I could say this was very similar to the show they played with Nails and Toxic Holocaust at the Middle East. Sound quality was perfect, and the crowd was energetic. There's nothing more metal than a death metal vocalist shouting "Circle pit!" while every members face is covered by layers of hair. Gatecreeper's setlist included a good mix of Sonoran Deprivation and their split with Iron Reagan ending strongly with the song "War Has Begun". The crowd reaction to "Craving Flesh" just gets better and better everytime. The pit was a bloodstained ground through the entire set. Chase's growls were even more demonic than normal, and those riffs were just plain evil nothing else to it. As usual the whole set sounded like you were listening to the recording  but you can't beat the experience with the atmosphere they bring. Give Gatecreeper your attention, again they are one of the best sounding live bands, you can't prove me wrong.

Full of Hell
Genre: Noise/Grind/Death Metal/Hardcore FFO: Nails, Dead in the Dirt, Trap Them

   Full of Hell is a different experience than most when you see them live. The moment they began, it just felt like the venue entered a different plane of existence. I was really curious of FOH's set considering I've never seen them headline before, despite this being my fourth time seeing them. Out of all of their performances I've seen, this was number one, dare I say, some next level shit. If there's one thing that makes a Full of Hell show, it's Dylan's chaotic, spastic, demonic, violent, motions while he screeches. It's actually horrific and almost concerning. Half the time his tongue was sticking out and his vocals were even more disgusting than usual, I was convinced he would puke at least 3 times. He would constantly give the mic to fellow disgusting death metal vocalist, Billy Nicholls (Billy Mourned) who was in the crowd to see his favorite band. If you know Mourned's lyrics, you can tell where Billy gets his influence. Pretty sure every time I've seen FOH, I was with Billy and he always did guest vocal, what a guy. The pit was a war between hardcore kids and metal kids and I couldn't even tell what was happening or who was winning. The mic rushes came for both "Crawling Back to God" and "Gnawed Flesh" screaming those evil words that we all know, I could almost compare it to a hardcore show, kids were starting to pile up. Dylan would be a clown in between songs saying stuff like "This next song is called: *coughs*" or "This song is for you (points at Billy Mourned)" you wouldn't think he would even be like this based on how  he is performing. All around, this set was destructive and evil as ever and as I said before best set they've played. Before the set, Billy, Dr. Paul "Nice Legs" Cronin M.D. and I were actually hanging with Dylan discussing video games, primarily Dark Souls and Bloodborne because we're not pussies.