Saturday, May 26, 2018

Khemmis, Wormwood, & SEA @ ONCE Ballroom

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   Khemmis brought the heavy to Somerville with local support. Almost didn't make it to this one but really glad I did. Doom and gloom poisoning everyone's ears always makes for a good night.

Genre: Blackened Sludge/Doom Metal FFO: Usnea, Woods of Ypres, Pallbearer

    The name SEA really grabs my attention. I was very curious of the sound these guys had to offer so I wanted to get there early for the set. Let me just say, I l o v e d this band. Everything I look for in doom metal in then some were showcased by this band. Heavy, gloomy, depressing, occasional beautiful melody, and blackened riffs. Fantastic to say the least. To make it better, two vocalists: one of the guitarists with her harsh raspy uncleans, and the bassist with his soothing powerful cleans. I'm not even sure how many songs these guys played, the whole set felt like one entire song. Occasionally would think the song ends when you hear that one strong note  and they let it drone out, but then the drums begin playing a new pattern. 
   Speaking of drums, that drummer was something else. he would play patterns you would never expect in doom. lots of crescendos as well which I feel can be underappreciated a lot. The flow into the black metal parts was so smooth you almost wouldn't even realise he was already doing blast beats.
   SEA is a band not to be missed. Big things are coming for this band and they live way more up to me expectations live.

Genre: Sludge/Doom Metal FFO: Coffinworm, Thou

    I've reviewed Wormwood before when they played with All Pigs Must Die at Great Scott so I decided this would be a good time to get food. Might I recommend Veggie Crust about a 10 min walk from the venue, lots of specialty pizzas with vegan options.

Genre: Doom Metal FFO: Pallbearer, Spirit Adrift, YOB

    I still remember the day TheLookout  recommended Khemmis' album Hunted to me. Incredible album almost made me spend probably double what I paid last night to see them at the royale. Khemmis are one doom band that really get into it live.Opening with the song "Candlelight" you would think they were in an eighties band playing in a stadium with their movements while they play. Whether the song was fast or slow (mostly slow) they would bang along with the music with lots of passion. Only thing was the vocals were a little over powered by the guitars and you couldn't hear it very well, however this was fixed during the second song. Nonetheless, the crowd passionately sang along as loud as they could.
   Speaking of the second song, it was my personal favorite off of Hunted, "Three Gates". They introduced it by saying "We're gonna do a faster one" and hearing that riff made you feel like you were a mercenary on horseback. It was medieval, heroic, and I was straight up ready to storm the next castle I saw. The sludgey unclean vocals were more hoarse than the record and followed by those cleans and that melodic doom riff, all I can say is "Holy fuck".
    Khemmis played a new song off their upcoming new album, I'm pretty sure the song has already been released but it was my first time hearing it. The doom aspect has not changed but the classic heavy metal influence is even stronger bringing images of medieval battle into your mind. They played an older song I was not familiar with after that. 
    Khemmis I would say is a band doom metal definite needs. While the genre is one of my favorites, I feel most can get bored with it, but Khemmis' fantasy metal influence mixed with the depressing Pallbearer-esque style makes you really pay attention and appreciate the music more. Really glad I caught this show.

Matt Miller is a poser.

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