Sunday, May 27, 2018

nothing,nowhere. Shinigami, Lil West, and Jay Vee @ The Middle East

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    Now I gotta admit, I didn't think I would be writing this one, I knew n,n. would be incredible, but this was beyond. Cloud rap is still pretty alien to me and I can only say I enjoy a select few, but the vibes each rapper gave from this show was very enjoyable. I've personally never listened to anyone on the bill other than nothing,nowhere. so it was definitely an adventure, luckily I was accompanied by my friends who just so happen to follow the cloud rap trend.
    I'll get this out of the way now. I've know nothing,nowhere. for years. Him and I met in algebra class at Foxborough High and would poke fun at each other for listening to bands the other didn't enjoy. Eventually we came to a mutual agreement that As I Lay Dying was both one of our favorites, and from there, he introduced me to a few hardcore bands, and thus began my journey into hardcore.
   First up we had Jay Vee. Now rap shows I'm not used to, I'm pretty sure this was my third one to be honest, but I guess its a tradition to have some sort of dj host and do a set of remixes of popular songs. Most of the stuff Jay Vee would play was cloud rap songs and randomly the opening riff to "My World" by Code Orange. If anyone can tell me what the link is between Soundcloud rap and bands like Code Orange that would be great because I still don't see it. Anyway, the crowd was half dancing and half chilling and talking to their friends, however there was moshing to the Code Orange riff. Before Jay Vee ended, he stated "I got one more and I know you guys know it" and it was the song "hammer" by nothing,nowhere. remixed into a Good Charlotte sounding emo/pop punk song and another pit was started. Can't say I'm too impressed by a dj set but like I said before, these type of things are still new to me, but as long as the crowd is entertained, thats all that really matters.
    Lil West was next up. I was definitely impressed by his music. Some songs were actually dark and eerie sounding and others were nice and beautiful. Bonus points for that sick hair style. I couldn't help but notice that the entire song he would perform was sampled including the vocals. I mentioned it to my friend Connor McGovern and he told me "Yeah its just something they do, the just rap over the whole song instead of just the beat". Very interesting but it got to the point where I wasn't sure if I was hearing Lil West rap or just the recording. Nonetheless his music is what really impressed me in all honesty. It almost reminded me of HO99O9. For his last song, Shinigami came on stage and did his guest spot, and at the end of the song he was actually screaming. 
    Lil West walk off stage thanking the crowd and Shinigami took over. I'll mention Shinigami was wearing heavy eyeshadow and from my perspective it made him look like two things: he hasn't slept in days, and an overpowered antagonist (probably what he was going for). His songs were a lot more on the sad side, made me see why he was on the tour. I turned and said to my friend Cam "Dude he's actually pretty cool", he responded "yeah dude he actually has songs with breakdowns and he screams". Right after he told me this, Shinigami actually played one of those songs, and I gotta say, it literally sounded like a Close Your Eyes song with a heavier breakdown. Of course that song I was definitely into, but all of his actual rap songs really did grab my attention. It was literally like I was hearing the soundtrack to an emotional anime. At the end of his set, Shinigami credited nothing,nowhere. saying  he was a big influence for him, and it definitely shows.
    Up next: nothing,nowhere. To begin, the old guy from the "i've been doing well" video introducing him. The stage was set with the band and a projection screen flashing the n,n reaper logo with the background constantly changing scenery whether it was a forest, city or home videos. If I know n,n like I did in high school, I know he probably did those videos himself. He came out and said "This is nothing,nowhere." and began the song Houdini. The crowd chanted every word as if it was a pop punk show. The next song "Clarity in Kerosene" was the same way, but the energy from the chorus erupted with so much force on both sides. I'm sure you can guess it was like this throughout the entire set, even when he gets to faster rapping parts, the crowd still knew it and sang along. 
    n,n stated this was the first hometown show in a while and gave a shout out to his parents, friends and family. Eventually, an old friend from my high school, Connor Appleby, crowd surfed on stage. When the song ended, n,n gave him a special shoutout and said that he looked like he was gonna stage dive but didn't want to. He then proceeded to play the song Connor is in the video for, "Hopes Up". Connor crowd surfed back on stage, and when I saw that, I knew I had to follow him. I crowd surfed during the chorus and n,n got a huge smile on his face when he saw me and put the mic in my face, I then dapped up Connor and backfilpped back into the crowd. 
    The song ended and n,n stated he was happy to see people he knew crowd surfing. He played some more songs some old some knew, kids sang along and even started a few pushpits, but the song that really popped it off was "hammer". That song brought the most energy I've seen all night. Everyone was moving whether it was moshing, dancing, crying, you name it, it was incredible.
    The entire night was definitely one to remember. Cam and I met up with n,n after the show and reminisced from our high school days and of discussed the vegan straight edge. Fan-fucking-tastic!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Khemmis, Wormwood, & SEA @ ONCE Ballroom

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   Khemmis brought the heavy to Somerville with local support. Almost didn't make it to this one but really glad I did. Doom and gloom poisoning everyone's ears always makes for a good night.

Genre: Blackened Sludge/Doom Metal FFO: Usnea, Woods of Ypres, Pallbearer

    The name SEA really grabs my attention. I was very curious of the sound these guys had to offer so I wanted to get there early for the set. Let me just say, I l o v e d this band. Everything I look for in doom metal in then some were showcased by this band. Heavy, gloomy, depressing, occasional beautiful melody, and blackened riffs. Fantastic to say the least. To make it better, two vocalists: one of the guitarists with her harsh raspy uncleans, and the bassist with his soothing powerful cleans. I'm not even sure how many songs these guys played, the whole set felt like one entire song. Occasionally would think the song ends when you hear that one strong note  and they let it drone out, but then the drums begin playing a new pattern. 
   Speaking of drums, that drummer was something else. he would play patterns you would never expect in doom. lots of crescendos as well which I feel can be underappreciated a lot. The flow into the black metal parts was so smooth you almost wouldn't even realise he was already doing blast beats.
   SEA is a band not to be missed. Big things are coming for this band and they live way more up to me expectations live.

Genre: Sludge/Doom Metal FFO: Coffinworm, Thou

    I've reviewed Wormwood before when they played with All Pigs Must Die at Great Scott so I decided this would be a good time to get food. Might I recommend Veggie Crust about a 10 min walk from the venue, lots of specialty pizzas with vegan options.

Genre: Doom Metal FFO: Pallbearer, Spirit Adrift, YOB

    I still remember the day TheLookout  recommended Khemmis' album Hunted to me. Incredible album almost made me spend probably double what I paid last night to see them at the royale. Khemmis are one doom band that really get into it live.Opening with the song "Candlelight" you would think they were in an eighties band playing in a stadium with their movements while they play. Whether the song was fast or slow (mostly slow) they would bang along with the music with lots of passion. Only thing was the vocals were a little over powered by the guitars and you couldn't hear it very well, however this was fixed during the second song. Nonetheless, the crowd passionately sang along as loud as they could.
   Speaking of the second song, it was my personal favorite off of Hunted, "Three Gates". They introduced it by saying "We're gonna do a faster one" and hearing that riff made you feel like you were a mercenary on horseback. It was medieval, heroic, and I was straight up ready to storm the next castle I saw. The sludgey unclean vocals were more hoarse than the record and followed by those cleans and that melodic doom riff, all I can say is "Holy fuck".
    Khemmis played a new song off their upcoming new album, I'm pretty sure the song has already been released but it was my first time hearing it. The doom aspect has not changed but the classic heavy metal influence is even stronger bringing images of medieval battle into your mind. They played an older song I was not familiar with after that. 
    Khemmis I would say is a band doom metal definite needs. While the genre is one of my favorites, I feel most can get bored with it, but Khemmis' fantasy metal influence mixed with the depressing Pallbearer-esque style makes you really pay attention and appreciate the music more. Really glad I caught this show.

Matt Miller is a poser.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Who the Fuck is Red Sun? (Vantage Point S/T 7" review)

    If you are remotely involved in Boston hardcore, you must've heard Vantage Point's name get thrown around more than once. Recently, VP held a release show for the following ep featuring fellow Boston hardcore favorites: Pummel, and Restraining Order as well as Selective Aggression from Buffalo NY, and the mysterious Red Sun at the Democracy center in Cambridge. Each band put on a fantastic performance and all the money was sent to BARCC (Boston Area Rape Crisis Center) and I believe it even sold out. 
    Now then, in the past I have reviewed VP multiple times and I gotta say, when it comes to modern BHC, they are definitely a favorite of mine as well as Kind! Crew, Pummel, and of course FREE. This release is a great blend of youth crew hardcore mixed well with the type of stuff you would expect from Lockin' Out type of bands such as Stop and Think or Mental. My personal favorite on the the EP, "With the Pain" I feel I could compare to Have Heart or even Turning Point with the melodic riffs, which seems appropriate considering they did pull off a Turning Point cover at the show. As you probably guessed, this release features songs from both the promo and demo starting with the three demo songs and ending with the two promo ones.
    With the release of this EP from Straight and Alert Records and the release show a couple weeks ago, Vantage Point have gained momentum and are playing Philly soon as well as opening for Ecostrike later this month. The release shows all the potential and hard work the band has had since their start and the live performance brings color to their landscape. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Pillorian, Falls of Rauros, & Obsidian Tongue @ Great Scott

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    Black metal returns to the Great Scott and with such a lineup! Each band a great balance of atmosphere and darkness. Obsidian Tongue has yet to disappoint, and Pillorian and Falls I have been wanting to see since I first heard both.

Obsidian Tongue
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal FFO: Krallice, Wolves in the Throne Room, Altar of Plagues

   Opening the night was the two piece powerhouse, Obsidian Tongue. Let me first say these guys are easily my personal favorite for Massachusetts black metal. Only two members and so much talent between them, they deserve your attention.
   Now then, Obsidian Tongue, though only played a few songs, blew me away once more and get better and better each performance. The passion of the blackened shrieks, the melody of the clean singing, the intense concentration between the riffs and drums, it all grasps your attention like no other. Each song was long like, 6-10 minutes therefore they only played about three or four songs. Incredible all around, the only thing I would change is the lighting effects as there were none.

Falls of Rauros
Genre: Black/Folk Metal FFO: Panopticon, Agalloch, Ash Borer

    A band from Maine isn't something you hear of everyday, however a black metal band as talented as Falls coming from Maine is even more rare. I was honestly expecting a visual from them to add to the performance but they weren't dressed up or anything, Nonetheless, Falls still delivered. The other thing I thought about was if they were gonna sample the folk instruments, which they did.
   This time I counted, 3 songs for the set with each song over 10 minutes long. I know some of you might think, "10 minute long songs sound like they would drag and be really boring" but let me tell you that black metal bands like these keep you paying attention and change the sound multiple times within the songs. Each song had beautiful fingerpicked melodies and watching the guitarist play them ever so gently and then breaking into the atmospheric blackened riffs is amazing. Each song makes you feel like you're scaling a mountain in Skyrim.
    As soon as they finished I thought "set of the night" but Pillorian did make it on my top albums last year so I couldn't wait to see how they would follow.

Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal FFO: Agalloch, Wiegedood, Wolves in the Throne Room

    Pillorian are basically a supergroup of musicians from all star bands (see flyer above), most notably for me is John Haughm formally of Agalloch. As you could probably guess, Pillorian takes influence from each of the members former bands.
    Once again no lighting effects for some reason, they only dimmed the lights. Once the band began, the darkness engulfed my soul. I heard riffs I didn't even know existed on the record, and at certain times I could faintly hear an orchestral instrument, it was so faint that I thought it was in my head but when it played again, it was louder and clear as day as if someone was on stage playing it (it was sampled). The one thing that stuck out the most was that drummer. A huge drum kit circled around him, I tried to count how many pieces but I kept losing count, but take my word for it, it was huge. Watching him play it was wild, Animal would be jealous and Neil Peart would be proud.
    Pillorian was definitely the darkest band of the night, in more ways than one, and once again played a few songs but each with very long duration. Fantastic, definitely lived up to my expectations.