Monday, November 13, 2017

Trap Them Final Show w/ Call of the Void, and Slow Death @ Sonia

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Wild. Trap Them brought Boston into oblivion one last time with support from their friends Call of the Void and local support Slow Death. A mixed crowd of hardcore kids, punx, metal kids, and crusties all gathered for the last night of chaos Trap Them will ever bring. Trap Them played the first Boston show I've ever gone to so I knew I needed to be there to say goodbye.

Slow Death
Genre: Sludge/ Crust FFO: Crowbar, Dystopia, Black Tusk

Mixed feelings for this band. Slow Death were almost half and half with their music. some songs were straight sludge metal but then others were randomly hardcore. Personally Slow Death is another band that didn't really appeal to me, but I will say they have potential. One thing I really couldn't get passed is after the second song, the guitarist ran off stage I think to fix a string or something but in the time it took they could've played probably two more songs. Anyway for the most part the sludge metal stuff was very Crowbar-esque but with some random short blackened riffs thrown in. personally I think they need to use those more to their advantage and maybe go full sludge instead of having that hardcore fill. I actually did take a listen and honestly think the songs sound better on record, maybe it just wasn't their night.

Call of the Void
Genre: Grindcore/Crust/Hardcore FFO: Rotten Sound, Nails, The Drip

Call of the Void was next. Having heard a few songs beforehand, I was looking forward to see what they had in store live. At first glance all I could think from their appearances was "They all look like dorks except the drummer" As soon as they began I felt bad for even thinking it. This band is powerful. The sound was blaring and actually made it feel like you're spiraling violently into dark emptiness. I could not take my eyes off the drummer most of all. He was a blurr probably 70% of the time. Just when you think the speed will change, it changes more drastically than you expected. and the lead guitarists sound was faint but I listened closely and could hear these eerie occult riffs I could never imagine. the crowd was just warming up with this band but still gave a good reaction. The second to last song featured guest vocals from their merch guy but it was far more intense than you would expect. This band has a future, I highly recommend them if you like fast music.

Trap Them
Genre: Grindcore/Crust/Chaotic Hardcore FFO: Cursed, Black Breath, Entombed

Wild. The Boston allstars final performance. Vocalist Ryan McKenney walked out in cut off short shorts (I believe some call them Daisy Dukes) and a shirt that read DIRTY DEEDS in pink. As ridiculous as he looked, it was easy to look past it as soon as the music began. Ryan made that angry scowl full of hatred that we all know and love and I completely forgot his flamboyant appearance. The crowd was the definition of chaos whether they were up front climbing for the mic or violently crushing each other in the pit. Ryan said "I bet you were waiting for a last show speech... well I already took my teeth out so its too difficult". However later he stated "I see a lot of familiar faces so I guess that means you're not tired of us yet" I guess if you know Ryan's rep you should expect this. He did say its cool that everyones been listening to them for 15 years but thats all we really got for a  "final speech". Each song had a more chaotic reaction than the last. All I could think about was, What are they ending with. I should've expected it would be The Facts. Everyone was ready for The Facts. Not a single soul forgot the lyrics and the pile up for the mic was just a tidal wave of bodies so chaotic security was on stage to keep Ryan from getting consumed by the sea of moshers. Easily one for the books. Trap Them 2002-2017.

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