Sunday, October 22, 2017

All Pigs Must Die, Wormwood, Plagues @ Great Scott

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Pure chaos spawned at Great Scott in Boston from the kult known as All Pigs Must Die. I've been wanting to see this band since I was sixteen but somehow never got the chance to. With support from local metal acts Wormwood and Plagues, the heavy was definitely present.

Genre: Black Metal

Now I'll be honest for me this band was nothing special. Just thinking of a band simply named Plagues just doesn't stick out or anything. But aside from the name, everyone in the band actually looked like an average joe at any bar scene, except the vocalist who wore his hood and black mesh over his face to at least give the band some kind of cool presence. The music itself seemed like just any old black metal band with repetitive riffs and not really trying anything new or different, but they would occasionally play some cool original tremolo picked riffs that actually would stick out and I thought was actually cool, but as soon as that ended it just went back into the generic black metal sound. This is just my personal opinion, in no way am I trying to say this band sucked or anything, just not my cup of tea. If Plagues was around maybe in the late 90's when this style was more popular, they probably would be more iconic for me, but to be honest, I forgot this bands name up until I pasted the flyer. One thing I will give them praise for is that sick logo.

Genre: Blackened Sludge/Doom Metal FFO Coffinworm, Thou, Young and in the Way

Now this was more like it. Heavy and evil. Wormwood played heavy destructive sludge metal with a black metal twist very similar to the style of Coffinworm. I found out prior to the event that two members are also in the Massachusetts sludge metal band Doomriders and one of those members was also in Cast Iron Hike. Wormwood definitely had a few elements similar to Doomriders, but it was very subtle. While you would hear evil sludge metal riffs played very slow, occasionally the drum beat would actually change just when you think the song might be ending, but it was a very Doomriders-esque pattern. Aside from the random Doomriders drum parts, Wormwood actually played very dark sounding sludge metal that would fill you with despair just from one song. I loved it. Every song really grabs you by the balls and says "welcome to the darkness". While I can't help but compare them to Coffinworm, whenever the band would change tempo, it sometimes sped up more than you would expect and with the black metal influence, it was very reminiscent of YAITW. Plagues did prepare the crowd for a night of metal, Wormwood set the bar higher by preparing the crowd for evil. If you like heavy, Wormwood is your new favorite band.

All Pigs Must Die
Genre: Blackened Metalcore/Chaotic Hardcore/Crust/Sludge FFO: Cursed, Trap Them, Black Breath

I'll start by saying APMD started very late and I couldn't stay for the whole thing unfortunately. All I can say about this set is, it was worth waiting 7 years to witness. APMD features Kevin Baker (Ex-The Hope Conspiracy) Ben Koller (Converge, Mutoid Man) Brian Izzi (Trap Them) and Adam Wentworth (ex-The Red Chord). With members like this coming together, the result is a hateful blend of chaos, evil, and violence. The crowd erupted into total anarchy, it was honestly the most violent thing I've seen at Great Scott since The Red Chord played there. There were literally bottles broken on the ground and six foot tall muscular dudes donkey kicking from the stage the moment a slow riff was played. I actually got a huge cut on my arm from this show. There was no crowd movement in the venue at all until they played so all that energy must have been building up. Kevin would constantly be saying All Pigs Must Die in between songs just to say, he literally only said "we're All Pigs Must Die" once. (the name is a stab at cops like Pig Destroyer). The also had a huge banner in the background that read the band name and had a picture of a gothic art piece. Overall the stage presence was basically what you would expect from a hardcore band, but once you heard those sludge riffs there was no law and you remember you're witnessing a metal/hardcore hybrid force to be reckoned with. APMD released a new album entitled Hostage Animal which is probably their most metal influenced album to date, I hope its on you're list 'cause it will be on mine.

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