Thursday, September 28, 2017

Pageninetynine and Majority Rule at Great Scott

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....I'm still speechless. Well, grab your black skinny jeans and hold back those tears because we're going back to the late 90's/early 2000's for some skramz. The entire show was as flawless as it was unbelievable. Both Pageninetynine and Majority Rule reunited for the first time in over ten years, (excluding the on off reunion of Pg.99 in 2011) for a short tour to benefit MIRA, a charity for refugees and Immigrants and every show sold out. TAKE THAT DONNIE TRUMP! Feel free to learn more about MIRA and do your part to help the cause.

Majority Rule
Genre: Chaotic Hardcore/Screamo FFO: Loma Prieta, Kodan Armada, Deadguy

Majority Rule began with their vicious style of screamo immediately roping in everyone's attention. If you've heard their recordings, while the style is incredibly unique, the production and quality is not as good as you would hear today (not a bad thing), however, when played live you hear the full force of the instruments and see the chaotic rage through the body movements of the band. on thing Majority Rule does often is play riffs that can be off time, and each riff that was played was flawless and not a single beat was skipped giving Meshuggah a run for their money. The endless energy coming from the crowd made the experience even more memorable. I'm sure everyone had the same mindset: "This is a once in a lifetime event, I will never see this again" the entire crowd was just as chaotic as the band and screamed every word. At times, the vocalist/guitarist would randomly start playing drums. Majority Rule played a very long set for a hardcore band (over an hour) I looked at my watch and it was already 11:30, and Pg. 99 was just setting up.

Genre: Screamo/powerviolence/grindcore FFO: Raein, Orchid, Enemy Soil

I'm still speechless. In order to keep from repeating myself, recording production, and whatever that I said about Majority Rule also applies to Pg.99. That being said, from the very beginning of the first song my only reaction to this set was: "Holy fuck! I'm seeing Pg.99! This is fucking incredible!". The sound was loud and blaring to the point where it hurt (and I was wearing ear plugs) but the sound was so perfect I heard riffs I didn't even know were in half the recordings. The crowd was just a tidal wave of kids going for the mic, even doing back flips off stage, occasionally both vocalists would even join in. It was so energetic that after the second song they band said "We're all here to have fun but keep in mind we are in a small space so please be careful and don't get hurt" Ironically enough I don't think anyone even got hurt throughout the whole show. Pg.99 played probably just as long if not longer than Majority Rule and even got an encore to play two more songs. The set ended almost at 1am which did seem rather appropriate for skramz, then again I am too young to be a skramz kid so what do I know. Tons of energy from everyone in the venue I would put this in the top 3 of the year ( will be posted in December).

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