Monday, July 3, 2017

Thou, Cloud Rat, Moloch, False, Ascend/Descend @ ONCE Ballroom

Sludge metal devils, Thou obliterated ONCE ballroom in Somerville with the support of a bunch of bands playing various other styles. Throughout the night, the lineup seemed to go from a fast band to a slow band with the common theme of still playing very dark.

Genre: Hardcore/crust/D-Beat FFO: Victims, Tragedy, From Ashes Rise

Opening up was Boston's very own Ascend/Descend. Playing their brand of fast and hateful hardcore punk, the crusty riffs matched up perfectly with vocalist, Michelle Dugan's absolutely vicious voice. Occasionally there would be some moshing and Even a few mic shares, which nowadays is rare for an opening band for whatever reason. Even though the band primarily plays fast songs, they managed to fit one slow and heavier song within their set, very reminiscent of Wolvhammer in my opinion but more on the sludge metal side with a faint blackened background, but still with a structure that reminds you that it's still Ascend/Descend. A very impressive performance indeed from what I would say is a very underrated band, Ascend/Descend is definitely a band not to be slept on. The next time you see them on a flier, definitely consider going.

Genre: Black Metal FFO:Deathspell Omega, Altar of Plagues

Next up was False. Not a bad idea to transition from crust punk to black metal, definitely an enjoyable change of pace. False began without even saying anything, like not mentioning who they are or a thank you for coming out, as soon as they were ready, they began. The less talk more rock attitude is something I like to see from bands like this. It was tough to compare this band to other black metal bands but Deathspell Omega was definitely the first to come in my head. A different type of sound that makes them more unique to other black metal bands, plenty of blast beats transitioning into other drum patterns but without slowing dowm, lots of tremolo picking transitioning from an evil scenario to beautiful melodies that make you feel like you're on a mountain, and tons of reverb on very demonic vocals. One very notable thing, Vocalist Rachel had an exceptional vocal performance to the point where she sounded just plain inhumane. Something tells me False isn't the type of band that would play Boston all that often so I am grateful they could play this show, here's to hoping this tour has a positive reaction towards them!

Genre: Sludge metal FFO: Seven Sisters of Sleep, Noothgrush, Fistula

The next act was Moloch. I should probably mention this is the Moloch from the UK. Starting with a very heavy opening song, Moloch set the stage for a sludge/doom setting. All the songs were rather long and didn't change up too much, however just when you think the same riff would be played, the drum patterns would change and get slightly faster, and then they heavy would eventually return in an even slower fashion. In my opinion, Moloch was nothing special, but once again the change of pace in the lineup definitely keeps you on your toes, and of course if you like sludge metal with a dark setting I would recommend checking them out

Cloud Rat
Genre: Grindcore FFO: Pig Destroyer, Pageninetynine

As soon as I saw Cloud Rat on this lineup, I knew I was in for a good time. Cloud Rat came on stage unknowingly to me as a three piece (guitar, drums, and vocals) but still played absolutely terrifying destructive riffs with perfect clarity. Playing a very unique style, Cloud Rat played a blend of grindcore with a strong screamo/skramz influence with occasional evil blackened riffs that turned the pit into a warzone. The guitarist said a few words and thanked the sound guy for playing country music while they set up. If I remember correctly, they played a new song that showed the followed the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and kept the sound that makes you think "yep that's Cloud Rat". Also well known for being pro-vegan  and Pro-women's rights, all the girls were moshing just as hard, if not harder, than the guys. The crowd was cheering with excitement all night for this band, the performance was definitely everything I hoped it to be, the next time you hear of them coming around don't miss out!

Genre: Sludge/Doom/Drone metal FFO: Lord Mantis, Sunn O))), Indian

The evil from Baton-Rouge was next to terrorize the stage. Thou come out and played the loudest, heaviest set of the night. With their sound clear as day, they played so loud that I would say my head was ringing into the next day. With the absolutely evil sounding riffs, all I could imagine was the gothic artwork most of their albums had. Thou played a little before midnight so I was trying hard to stay awake but as heavy and evil as the band sounded I felt as though it could put me to sleep but still give me some kind of nightmare and plunge me into despair. Thou put on a destructive performance and i know I said it about the other bands, but do not miss out on it next time!

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